Jerry Yan & Shen Yue Share An Almost Kiss In “Count Your Lucky Stars” Episode 5

count your lucky stars

I’ll be honest that there are minor storytelling hiccups in Count Your Lucky Stars, but its bright and bubbly cast members compensate for it.

With luck exchanged between Xiaoyou (Shen Yue) and Xingcheng (Jerry Yan), the latter gets another setback with his Chief Editor position finally stripped off of him. Meanwhile, Yanzhi (Wei Zhe Ming) helped Xiaoyou scored the needed interview with Professor Lu Ren.

Keeping its usual bright episode Count Your Lucky Stars show the love pairing carving comfortable interaction that preludes to a deeper connection

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Episode Recaps: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 |

count your lucky stars

Count Your Lucky Stars Episode 4 Recap

“My girl has never been in love since she was born.”

Surprised to see her parents at Xingcheng’s hospital room, Xiaoyou listens to her mom’s blabber of her single-since-birth-status. Not correcting her parents’ impression that they are lovers, Xingcheng even replies being together with their daughter for three years when they asked about it.

Xiaoyou shoos her parents away while Xingcheng enjoys teasing her relationship status with a cute smirk.

Back at the office, the deputy editor has finally convinced to take on Xingcheng’s position.

Before going to the event to meet Professor Lu, Xiaoyou argues about Xingcheng’s stubbornness to not interview the renowned professor.

At the event, Professor Lu didn’t spare a moment to his son who came with Xiaoyou for an interview. But Yanzhi assures her that he will take care of her task.

Instead of going to the hospital, Xiaoyou changes her mind and agrees to dine out with Yanzhi.

Later, Yanzhi tells Xiaoyou that the interview is set with Lu Ren.

The next day, Xiaoyou reports to deputy editor that she scored an interview. The latter also alerts Lu Ren’s wife about it and almost ruined the chance when she denied Daly and Xiaoyou entry to their home.

Luckily, Yanzhi comes to her rescue and finally reveals his relationship to Lu Ren surprising Xiaoyou.

“Since my dad hasn’t accepted any interview before, is this an approval for me?”

Giving time for CHIC’s crew to proceed with the interview, Yanzhi’s mom subtly chides her son for his action.

Responding how his father gamely accepted his request, he feels happy that his father is finally acknowledging him.

Groping to kick start a smooth-flowing interview, Daly pretends changing the battery and calls Xingcheng. Discreetly giving an ear phone, Xingcheng coaches Xiaoyou from the other line.

Using Xiaoyou as a bridge Xingcheng and Prof. Lu communicate about fashion perspectives and plagiarism. Lu Ren expounds on his initial comment about Xingcheng’s method-driven design concepts versus art leniency.

Through Xiaoyou, Xingcheng also explains his decision not to design, but be an onlooker to preserve the fundamentals and true art of designing.

Already aware of Xiaoyou mediating an indirect interview, Lu Ren hesitantly asks Xingcheng’s condition, but the latter hung up.

“How dare you sleep when you do such a bad job?”

After the interview, Daly tells Xiayou how Xingcheng painstakingly did a back up interview as fall back plan. He did it for an hour in the staircase amidst his recovering body.

Voicing out her thoughts to her friends, Ru Ru points out Xiaoyou’s goddess situation of being torn between two equally amazing men. Oblivious to the two Lu’s implied affection, she dismisses the idea, and vows to continue helping Xingcheng with his health recovery.

Later, she visits her boss at the hospital to help him with his meal. Receiving an order from Deputy Lin to hasten the interview draft, she rushes to complete it, but ultimately fell asleep.

Waking up, Xiaoyou stares in amazement on the beautifully drafted article. She thanks Xingcheng for that and heads out to grab some food.

Later, Xiaoyou arrives in the room and sees her father chatting with Xingcheng. They quickly chat about how she thinks her father is not happy with her job. Giving his two cents, Xingcheng assures that her father cares about her a lot.

Reminding him that her interview task was completed, he hints on agreeing for a kiss. He removes his neck bracket and asks Xiaoyou to close her eyes.

Inching closer, their lips almost touched – but Xingcheng halts and mutters he is going to be discharged.

count your lucky stars

Episode 4 Musings

This episode raises suspicion on the real connection between Lu Ren and Lu Xingcheng. (I know the last names are giving it away *wink.) I could easily jump to think they are blood related, and issues unresolved are definitely present. But, let’s cross the bridge when we get there.

We also saw how Yanzhi has been saddled by the lack of his father’s approval, while Lu Ren obviously longs for Xingcheng’s attention. Also, it hints on the predicaments Xiaoyou has been facing with a dream she wants to aspire, but her parents are not that confident about. Somehow, Xingcheng is being reminded of those times when he was just building his career.

I don’t know how many more episodes are needed for Xingcheng’s heart to be fully thawed. Definitely, Xiaoyou is doing a great job at that task. But the love triangle is shaping up to hurt the viewers’ hearts for Yanzhi.

I did like how the plot is not filled with unnecessary fillers. It moves around the story of the main love pairing swift and decisive, but the hurried pace sometimes really put me on “where did that scene come from” moment.

But, I’ll take the good and bad for now as I cheer for the dreams and pray for the problems to be solved in the series.

Photos: Screencaps from YoYo YouTube

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