From unique solo posters and character stills, Connection keeps hyping interest for its upcoming premiere. The series is written by writer Lee Hyun of Diary of a Prosecutor fame, and director Kim Moon-kyo, who was recognized for his delicate and detailed directing skills in Trolley and Lovers of the Red...
Sharing still cuts of its lead stars, the new tvN weekend series foreshadows the change in their relationship. The Midnight Romance depicts the exciting and sweet midnight romance between star instructor Seo Hye-jin (Jung Ryeo Won) and Lee Jun-ho (Wi Ha Jun), a cheeky student who appears as a new...
Super Rich in Korea offers a golden ticket into the extravagant world of Seoul’s top 1% — individuals who’ve made the city their second home due to their love for K-culture. The character teaser introduces viewers to five ultra-wealthy individuals starring in the reality series whose lavish lifestyles can leave...
Following his successful debut with the Netflix film Unlocked, director Kim Tae-joon is back with his second feature, Wall to Wall. This thriller follows the story of a man who finally saves up enough to buy an apartment, only to have it turn into a nightmare with financial ruin and...
“Do you really want something fun?” This question opens the zany teaser trailer for The 8 Show, a thrilling new Netflix series that follows eight individuals trapped in a mysterious 8-story building, participating in a high-stakes show where the prize money goes up the longer they stay. Already attracting attention...
Set to tug at the heartstrings of audiences worldwide, the teasers for Drawing Closer have been unveiled, with a premiere set for June 27. The live-action film is adapted from the beloved novel by Ao Morita, titled “Yomei Ichinen to Senkoku Sareta Boku ga, Yomei Hantoshi no Kimi to Deatta...
MBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama Our House unveils main poster showing a mysterious dancing shadow of a woman behind the lead stars creating a symmetrical contrast. Bitter Sweet Hell follows the story of a renowned family psychologist whose career and family are threatened by an unknown blackmailer. She cooperates with her mother-in-law,...
Channel A confirms its new drama written by Park Hyun-jin and directed by Myeong Hyun-woo. 체크인 한양 Check-in Hanyang is set in Yongcheonru, the largest guest house in Joseon, with the solemn banner of ‘the customer is king’. It is a turbulent coming-of-age romance historical drama that tells the story...
Four quirky mavericks form a new team that would try to initiate change in the gang-controlled police system in Seoul Jongnam station. Set in yesteryears, the humor and interesting characters combine for an energizing series. abbyinhallyuland watches Chief Detective 1958 on Disney+ Opening Week Rating: Chief Detective 1958 Opening Week...
A genius’s past comes back to haunt him in this upcoming police procedural drama! When a sub-unit within the police force is shunned by everyone and reports to no one, the team needs to work tirelessly to prove their superiority and save the day in Crash. This is a new...