K-Drama First Look: “Trolley” Tests A Married Couple’s Fortitude In The Face Of Mounting Problems


Taking a peek at how a married couple works together in times of family problems, Trolley moves to present the aftermath of making bad choices when we already know that it is.

Featuring a couple who has a relatively harmonious relationship – a test to their marriage vow is coming their way.

abbyinhallyuland watches Trolley on Netflix

Opening Week Rating:

Trolley Opening Week Story

Living a low-key life, Kim Hye-joo (Kim Hyun Joo) is a book repairer married to Assemblyman Nam Joong-do (Park Hee Soon) representing Sinyang district. She has a daughter and a stepson. Although she is supportive of her husband in private, she keeps her identity as an assemblyman’s wife a secret.

However, when her daughter Yoon-seo went missing after an argument with her, a series of unfortunate events erupt in her family. Desperate to know their daughter’s whereabouts, she made her husband use his position to mobilize the police force in finding Yoon-seo.


Unfortunately, what was found is the dead body of Assemblyman Nam’s son, Ji-hoon, with traces of drugs in his clothing. Yoon-seo, who is safe and just sulking reveals herself to her worried parents.

Inevitably, Ji-hoon’s misgiving led to a spree of criticisms for his politician father. To make the situation worse, a woman named Kim Su-bin (Jung Su Bin) claims that she’s pregnant with Ji-hoon’s baby. Empathizing with Su-bin’s situation as she remembers her situation back then, Hye-joo insists on taking her to the house.

To resolve his concern which is being taken advantage of by his detractors, Joong-do uses a viral video of a grandmother defending his compassionate nature to his favor.

He accidentally visits a victim of digital sexual harassment’s wake when he went to the funeral of one of his sponsors. Coincidentally, Hye-joo also visited the same wake as she buys oil from the grandmother and she willingly gives comfort.

On national television, Joong-do acknowledged failing as a father that led to his son’s wrongdoing. But he also asserts his intention to work on digital sexual harassment which is a pressing concern.

Turning the tables in his favor, all seems well. But the digital sexual harassment perpetrator committed suicide when he was about to be apprehended.

Trolley Opening Week Musings

Modestly engrossing, Trolley navigated a conflict-bombarded opening week. Strangely its subdued storytelling helped in not overwhelming the viewers with its drama.

There’s something unsettling to the real intentions and motivations of lead pairing so far. It makes you want to know them more by peeling their layers. Especially since we are looking to how their hurried and heedless decisions spur consequences that would weigh a lot owing to Joong-do’s political aspirations. Correspondingly, we are not just looking into the strings pulled because of their children, but events from their pasts as well.

Adding to this, Su-bin’s reality interestingly complicates Hye-joo’s and Joong-do’s sudden problem-plagued life. The fix which almost work in Joong-do’s favor appears to blow into another problem as well.

Obviously, if you are not into melodramas, Trolley would be too overwhelming to watch. Understanding its charms would take most likely finishing it to the end but expect that feeling emotionally exhausted intersperse while you watch it along the way.
But if you are up for the highs and lows of real married couple problems, this drama would surely engross you.

What’s Su-bin’s real intention? Will there be more secrets to be unraveled that can test Hye-joo and Joong-do?

Trolley streams on Netflix every Monday and Tuesday.

Photos: SBS Drama

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