Kim Sejeong and Lee Jong Won are set to captivate audiences with their portrayal of a romantic relationship that intensifies under the influence of alcohol. The production team of ENA’s...
Promising a heartwarming and exciting love story, the series also stars Baek Sung Chul and Shin Do Hyun. The upcoming ENA drama, Drunken Romance 취하는 로맨스 will follow the unlikely...
Get ready for a summer of romance and drama! The upcoming Korean series Bad Memory Eraser has confirmed its cast, and it’s a star-studded lineup. Fans can look forward to...
MBC’s new series releases latest teasers and details about its lead characters. Flowers That Bloom At Night tells the story of Jo Yeo-hwa, a widow with two faces who is...
Joining Lee Hanee as the main lead pair, rising actor Lee Jong Won secures his first male lead role in Flowers That Bloom At Night (LT). Flowers That Bloom At...
Presenting the confirmed ensemble cast of Golden Spoon, MBC intends to enchant viewers with a story revolving around money and desire. Slated for release in the second half of 2022,...
Kim Rae Won and Lee Jong Suk look peerless in the striking main poster released for Decibel. Together with Jung Sang Hoon and Park Byung Eun, the image previews the...
Hyping interest in the star-studded thriller action film, Decibel unveils glimpses of the lead characters! Decibel threads on a terrorist attack initiated by a bomb designer who wants to occupy...
Recently, actor Lee Jong Suk posted several photos with hyung Kim Rae Won on his Instagram account while shooting their newest film Decibel. In the photos, Jong Suk captioned “Decibel #KimRaeWon” and...
The urban set action-thriller film Decibel has begun filming on April 20. It stars Kim Rae Won, Lee Jong Suk, Jung Sang Hoon, Park Byung Eun, Lee Sang Hee, Cho Dal...