The network has just announced its impressive slate of shows for the first half of 2025, featuring a diverse range of genres and a star-studded cast. JTBC Dramas 2025 features a lineup that includes diverse genres, from office dramas to romantic dramas to action thrillers. The upcoming dramas promise to...
SBS new series is gearing up to become the next big youth romance sensation featuring a story of passion, music, and self-discovery. Spring of Youth (LT) is a coming-of-age drama follows Sa-gye, a K-pop superstar unexpectedly thrust into the chaos of college life after a career-altering incident. Think the infectious...
Offering a glimpse into what promises to be a dynamic and heartwarming coming-of-age story, this upcoming sports drama is set to electrify the summer of 2025. Try We Become a Miracle (LT) centers on Joo Ga-ram, a former rugby star whose career plummeted after a doping scandal. Now seeking redemption,...
Netflix is preparing to launch viewers into a dazzling new era of K-romance with When the Stars Gossip, a groundbreaking series blending heartfelt emotions and interstellar adventures. Slated to premiere in 2025, this ambitious production stars Lee Min Ho and Gong Hyo Jin, two of Korea’s most beloved actors, in...
Prepare for an electrifying journey into the heart of investigative journalism with Unmasked, a Korean thriller set to premiere exclusively on Disney+ this January 15! Starring a powerhouse cast led by Kim Hyesoo (Signal, Smugglers), the series dives into the high-pressure world of a news team racing against time to...
Knock, knock, ONEDOOR! BOYNEXTDOOR is heading to the Philippines, bringing their highly anticipated BOYNEXTDOOR TOUR ‘KNOCK ON Vol.1‘ to Manila. Mark your calendars for March 22, 2025, when the sensational six-member group will take the stage at the iconic Smart Araneta Coliseum to deliver an unforgettable night filled with electrifying...
The main poster for MBC’s highly anticipated Friday-Saturday drama, Motel California, has been unveiled, showcasing a poignant rooftop moment between lead actors Lee Se Young and Na In Woo. This two-shot captures the tender nostalgia of first love, stirring emotions that may have been buried deep in the hearts of...
In KBS2TV’s Face Me, which concluded on the 12th, actor Lee Min Ki left an indelible mark with his portrayal of Cha Jung-woo, a brilliant plastic surgeon renowned for his precise anatomical knowledge. With every episode, Lee’s commanding performance drew viewers deeper into the drama’s mysterious narrative. From the outset,...
The talented actor has captured hearts and showcased his evolving talent through his role in Brewing Love, ENA’s Monday-Tuesday drama that premiered on November 4. Taking on the role of Yoon Min-joo, a hypersensitive brewmaster and empathic brewery CEO, Lee unveiled a refreshing new charm, further broadening his acting spectrum....
Premiering December 23, Namib promises to deliver a heartfelt story of a mother’s unwavering love for her son. Starring Go Hyun Jung and Ryeoun, the drama explores the complex relationship between a former star producer, and her son as they navigate a path of reconciliation and growth. Namib follows Kang...