Hwang Min Hyun is gearing up to unleash his hidden martial arts prowess in the highly anticipated TVING original series Study Group. Scheduled to premiere on the 23rd, the series has heightened expectations with the release of a dynamic poster and teaser trailer showcasing the thrilling journey of Yoon Ga-min...
JTBC’s upcoming drama promises a poignant and evocative journey through the vibrant tapestry of 1980s South Korea. This coming-of-age melodrama delves into the intertwined lives of three individuals: Go Yeong-rye (Kim Da Mi), Seo Jong-hee (Shin Ye Eun), and Han Jae-pil (Heo Nam Joon), whose paths converge amidst the bustling...
Determined to break free from the shackles of royal protocol, a princess boldly asserts her right to choose her own destiny, much to the consternation of the royal court in The Scandal of Chunhwa! Set to deliver a fresh and enchanting take on youth romance wrapped in a historical setting,...
Slated for global release on January 24th, The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call promises to be an exhilarating addition to the medical drama genre, blending high-stakes action with compelling character arcs. At the heart of the story is a brilliant, battle-hardened surgeon who is unexpectedly assigned to a struggling trauma...
The table read for SBS’s upcoming Friday-Saturday drama Buried Hearts has generated considerable buzz, building anticipation ahead of its February 14, 2025, premiere. This intense political thriller follows a man who embarks on a life-altering journey of vengeance against a powerful, faceless enemy responsible for the murder of his father....
The teaser poster for Friendly Rivalry is out, and is already heating things up! Scheduled to premiere on U+ Mobile TV and U+ TV on February 10th, this mystery thriller revolves around the life of Seul-gi, a transfer student at the elite Chae Hwa Girls’ High School, where the pressure...
Lee Se Young and Na In Woo are starting the new year with a heartfelt romance in the much-anticipated drama Motel California, set to premiere on January 10 as MBC’s first Friday-Saturday release of 2025. Directed by Kim Hyung-min and written by Lee Seo-yoon, the series delves into themes of...
Director Yoon Sung-hyun, along with actors Park Jeong Min and Jisoo, recently gathered for a press conference in Seoul to introduce their upcoming series, Newtopia. This exciting series follows Lee Jae-yoon (Park Jeong-min), a conscripted soldier, and his girlfriend Kang Young-joo (Jisoo), as they race to reunite amid a zombie-infested...
Mounting its big, lively and talented cast, When The Stars Gossip impresses with its safe choice of a low-key opening week by focusing on character introductions. Although following the familiar K-Drama tone, the series gives off a new modern Korean drama flair, thanks to its intriguing storyline seamlessly intertwined with...
After a spectacular 2024 that brought us award-winning Korean hits like Moving, A Shop for Killers, The Worst of Evil, and The Tyrant, as well as unforgettable gems like Lightshop Keeper, Gangnam B-Side, and Red Swan, Disney+ is doubling down on Korean entertainment in 2025. With a lineup promising more...