In the high-pressure world of emergency medicine, where every second counts, a heroic team rises to the challenge in The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call. As Netflix Korea’s first original medical drama, the series is set to premiere on January 24, and its recently dropped teaser has already sparked excitement...
Hold onto your seats! Single’s Inferno Season 4 is about to ignite your screens on January 14! The wildly popular dating reality show Single’s Inferno is back for its fourth season, premiering January 14 on Netflix. Set on a remote island, the series follows a group of stunning singles as...
Kickstarting 2025 in K-Dramaland are highly-awaited stories and small-screen comebacks of some of Korea’s beloved K-Drama stars! Which K-Dramas will you be tuning in this month? What’s Currently Airing? MONDAY-TUESDAY Namib (ENA) *Finale Jan 28 WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Who is She? (KBS2) FRIDAY-SATURDAY When The Phone Rings (MBC) *Finale Jan 4 SATURDAY-SUNDAY...
SBS’s much-anticipated Friday-Saturday drama, Love Scout has launched! Directed by Ham Joon-ho and Kim Jae-hong, and written by Ji-eun, Love Scout follows the evolving relationship between Ji-yoon (Han Ji Min), a highly skilled and focused CEO of a headhunting company, and Eun-ho (Lee Joon Hyuk), her equally talented and efficient...
MBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama Motel California, set to air on January 10, has released character posters featuring the charm and personalities of its lead cast. The drama, based on Shim Yoon-seo’s 2019 novel Home, Bitter Home, tells the story of Ji Kang-hee, a woman who returns to her rural hometown...
The network has just announced its impressive slate of shows for the first half of 2025, featuring a diverse range of genres and a star-studded cast. JTBC Dramas 2025 features a lineup that includes diverse genres, from office dramas to romantic dramas to action thrillers. The upcoming dramas promise to...
SBS new series is gearing up to become the next big youth romance sensation featuring a story of passion, music, and self-discovery. Spring of Youth (LT) is a coming-of-age drama follows Sa-gye, a K-pop superstar unexpectedly thrust into the chaos of college life after a career-altering incident. Think the infectious...
Offering a glimpse into what promises to be a dynamic and heartwarming coming-of-age story, this upcoming sports drama is set to electrify the summer of 2025. Try We Become a Miracle (LT) centers on Joo Ga-ram, a former rugby star whose career plummeted after a doping scandal. Now seeking redemption,...
Netflix is preparing to launch viewers into a dazzling new era of K-romance with When the Stars Gossip, a groundbreaking series blending heartfelt emotions and interstellar adventures. Slated to premiere in 2025, this ambitious production stars Lee Min Ho and Gong Hyo Jin, two of Korea’s most beloved actors, in...
Prepare for an electrifying journey into the heart of investigative journalism with Unmasked, a Korean thriller set to premiere exclusively on Disney+ this January 15! Starring a powerhouse cast led by Kim Hyesoo (Signal, Smugglers), the series dives into the high-pressure world of a news team racing against time to...