Serving coffee and legal advice with empathy, The Law Cafe brews a refreshing direction outside the courtroom. Accepting clients in a comfortable setting such as a cafe, characters in the drama paint themselves as passionate practitioners of law. While it exudes freshness and autonomy, The Law Cafe also points out...
In the newly released teaser poster of Bad Prosecutor, Doh Kyung Soo carries a unique look amongst the crowd. Upcoming KBS 2TV Wednesday-Thursday drama Bad Prosecutor has released a new teaser poster that presents Doh Kyung Soo’s character handling the worst case. Bad Prosecutor narrates the story of a prosecutor...
Confirming its release in November this year, Third Person Revenge reveals its cast line-up led by Shin Ye Eun, Lomon and Seo Ji Hoon. Teen revenge thriller drama Third Person Revenge is a Disney+ original series that follows the story of a girl named Chan-mi pursuing the truth of her...
Promising great acting performance, The Law Cafe is confident to launch an enjoyable rom-com drama. KBS 2TV’s new drama, The Law Cafe, scheduled to broadcast every 9:50 pm KST on Monday and Tuesday is a romantic comedy-drama adapted from a popular web novel written by Noh Seung-ah. Directed by Lee...
Confirming his appearance, Cha Eun Woo is set to appear as the male lead in a new series aiming 2023 airdate. Based on the popular webtoon of the same name, 오늘도 사랑스럽개 Today is Lovely Dog (LT), Cha Eun Woo has affirmed his appearance as the drama’s male lead Jin...
No Park, the room leader, reveals his plan of seeking justice for his daughter in Big Mouth. Handing No Park to the prosecution, Chang-ho proves his innocence and elevates his status as a righteous lawyer. He then becomes the attorney of No Park, and releases him on bail. Meanwhile, Mi-ho...
Having a new warden, inmates who work for ‘big mouse’ are caught in the latest episode of Big Mouth. Permitted to follow his own methods, Warden Gan tortures inmates connected with ‘big mouse’. Chang-ho relays to Park Yoon-gab that his loyalty is still with ‘big mouse’ despite appearing to have...
Grasping who his enemies are, Chang-ho begins his plans on catching them in the latest episode of Big Mouth. Showing up in the chapel, Warden Park claims he is ‘big mouse’, but Chang-ho does not believe him. Mi-ho applies as medical personnel in prison and gets accepted. Chang-ho seeks Mayor...
Involved in Professor Seo’s murder case, Mayor Choi holds onto the original file of the professor’s paper in Big Mouth. Chang-ho foretells the trial’s turnout in his live broadcast and exposes the existence of Professor Seo’s paper. Coming back to prison after exposing details of Professor Seo’s murder, Chang-ho sets...
Presenting what comes after desperate decisions, A Model Family examines humans’ motivation for evil. In a world where money is a necessity, morality, familial ties, and loyalty are readily disposable. Depicting a situation where one prioritizes family despite involvement in evil, A Model Family offers a slow-burn story of a...