Confirming its first broadcast on April 9, My Liberation Notes takes a glimpse at the ordinary lives of its characters. JTBC’s upcoming Saturday-Sunday drama My Liberation Notes depicts the attempt of three siblings to liberate themselves from the harsh reality of living in the present. The drama is directed by Kim...
Meeting again in the middle of the road, Hee-do introduces her boyfriend to Yi-jin in Twenty Five Twenty One. Rising in the competitions, the rift between Hee-do and Yu-rim becomes bigger. Yu-rim becomes more pressured to do well while Hee-do reaches the finals in the Asian Games. Meanwhile, Yi-jin becomes...
Qualifying as part of the National Team, Hee-do faces new struggles in Twenty Five Twenty One. For Hee-do who has done her best in the competition, she becomes part of the national team and begins training with them. As his father causes trouble for his younger brother, Yi-jin disappears from...
Unimaginable terrors in a place of education, Who Are You: School 2015 imparts meaningful messages to the youth and adults. Each school life experience may be unique, but no one deserves to have a traumatic one. The series has emphasized key issues that students face with regards to their academics...
A failed interview may dishearten Yi-jin, but Hee-do’s presence makes him smile in the latest episode of Twenty Five Twenty One. Coming home from a failed interview, Yi-jin sleeps outside the house drunk, and Hee-do makes sure to give him a blanket with a do not disturb sign that explains...
With high hopes, Hee-do is given the chance to compete for a spot in the national team in Twenty Five Twenty One. Although her rank is short by two spots, Hee-do is granted the opportunity to become part of the national team. Determined to train hard for the upcoming qualifiers,...
Expressing his desire to take more diverse roles, Yeon Woo Jin shared details of his acting and exposure in Serve the People. Directed by Jang Cheol Soo, Serve the People, tells the story of model soldier Mu-Gwang (played by Yeon Woo Jin), who is devoted to serving the people. Even...
Establishing its relevance at present, Twenty Five Twenty One spurs a beginning filled with laughter and tears. Serving a retro vibe to its viewers, Twenty Five Twenty One captures the reality faced by all people, both young and old, during a crisis. Ranging from lives disrupted and dreams shattered, each...
Our strong-willed heroes in Bad and Crazy have piqued our curiosity for more characters who have a deep story to tell. The impact left by the powerful duo in the series has opened our eyes to various interesting crime investigations. Much as well, it has put the spotlight on the...
Love is sweeter the second time around, and we need more of this love like the one we’ve found in Our Beloved Summer. Seizing the warm feeling of a love that started a long time ago, Our Beloved Summer has offered a nostalgic and fuzzy feeling when love is given...