The Walt Disney Company Asia Pacific has announced an impressive slate of upcoming Disney+ APAC Originals, featuring top-tier talent and storytellers from the region. These updates revealed during the second day of the APAC Content Showcase, captivated audiences with exclusive announcements, first looks, and appearances by some of Japan’s most...
The trailer for the highly anticipated Japanese romance drama Beyond Goodbye has been revealed, offering audiences a glimpse into a moving story of love, loss, and fate ahead of its November 14 premiere. Written by the renowned Yoshikazu Okada (The 8-Year Engagement, The Last 10 Years), the series stars Kasumi...
Beyond Goodbye is a new Japanese romance drama that promises a bittersweet story of heartbreak, destiny, and the enduring power of love. The series, written by acclaimed screenwriter Yoshikazu Okada and starring Kasumi Arimura and Kentaro Sakaguchi, is set to premiere on November 14. The plot revolves around Saeko, who...
Is falling in love a crime? The fresh trailer for Chastity High immerses viewers in the turmoil of a prestigious high school where dating is strictly forbidden, sparking chaos as students expose one another and rebel against the stringent rules. Set to premiere on August 29, Netflix’s first Japanese school...
Destiny takes center stage in the upcoming live-action drama series, Soul Mate. Starring Hayato Isomura and Ok Taecyeon, this heartfelt narrative explores the profound connection between two souls who meet by chance and navigate the complexities of love over ten years. Written and directed by the rising talent Shunki Hashizume,...
Netflix has revealed plans for a new romance series from Japan, boasting a diverse cast and talent pool drawn from across Asia and beyond. Based on the acclaimed French film Les Émotifs anonymes (English: *Romantics Anonymous*), which won the Audience Award at the French Film Festival in Japan in 2011,...
Delving into the rich history of the samurai era, the upcoming Netflix series Last Samurai Standing presents an intriguing tale of survival and honor. Based on the novel “Ikusagami” by Shogo Imamura, winner of the 166th Naoki Prize in 2021, the series features the multi-talented Junichi Okada in the lead...
Netflix is shining the spotlight on Japanese culture with House of Ninjas. The series introduces audiences to the clandestine world of modern-day ninjas, blending mystery, action, and a thrilling storyline. In its debut week, House of Ninjas shot to the #2 spot on the Global Top 10 Non-English TV List...
Japanese series fans, here’s the 2024 schedule to please you this year! Last year, Japanese-language content became the third most-viewed non-English content on Netflix, behind only Korean and Spanish. We collaborated with distinguished creators such as Hirokazu Kore-eda (The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House) and Yuji Sakamoto (In Love...
Fuel your February with these amazing treats from Disney+! Thrilling spectacles decorate this month’s Disney+ shows. Now available on the platform, The Marvels chronicles an unlikely trio teaming up to save the universe. Can Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel, her super-fan Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel, and Carol’s estranged niece,...