In a story about reunited lovers, two childhood friends who are also each other’s first love meet again after being apart for many years. Will this mark a new beginning for their story? Or, is it too late to make up for the lost time? To keep things interesting, we...
Director Yoon Sung-hyun, along with actors Park Jeong Min and Jisoo, recently gathered for a press conference in Seoul to introduce their upcoming series, Newtopia. This exciting series follows Lee Jae-yoon (Park Jeong-min), a conscripted soldier, and his girlfriend Kang Young-joo (Jisoo), as they race to reunite amid a zombie-infested...
Mounting its big, lively and talented cast, When The Stars Gossip impresses with its safe choice of a low-key opening week by focusing on character introductions. Although following the familiar K-Drama tone, the series gives off a new modern Korean drama flair, thanks to its intriguing storyline seamlessly intertwined with...
After a spectacular 2024 that brought us award-winning Korean hits like Moving, A Shop for Killers, The Worst of Evil, and The Tyrant, as well as unforgettable gems like Lightshop Keeper, Gangnam B-Side, and Red Swan, Disney+ is doubling down on Korean entertainment in 2025. With a lineup promising more...
Marking the beginning of our new year in 2025 Korean dramas, we are treated to a sweet office romance featuring a stoic boss and her amiable secretary who start on the wrong foot yet will soon get attracted to each other and eventually fall in love. We have some workplace...
Looking back on our year in K-Drama, the theme that stood out to us the most was having heart flutter at K-Drama male leads who are totally smitten with our leading ladies. More often than not, those men had to put their lives on the line to protect the women...
Kickstarting 2025 in K-Dramaland are highly-awaited stories and small-screen comebacks of some of Korea’s beloved K-Drama stars! Which K-Dramas will you be tuning in this month? What’s Currently Airing? MONDAY-TUESDAY Namib (ENA) *Finale Jan 28 WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Who is She? (KBS2) FRIDAY-SATURDAY When The Phone Rings (MBC) *Finale Jan 4 SATURDAY-SUNDAY...
In KBS2TV’s Face Me, which concluded on the 12th, actor Lee Min Ki left an indelible mark with his portrayal of Cha Jung-woo, a brilliant plastic surgeon renowned for his precise anatomical knowledge. With every episode, Lee’s commanding performance drew viewers deeper into the drama’s mysterious narrative. From the outset,...
The talented actor has captured hearts and showcased his evolving talent through his role in Brewing Love, ENA’s Monday-Tuesday drama that premiered on November 4. Taking on the role of Yoon Min-joo, a hypersensitive brewmaster and empathic brewery CEO, Lee unveiled a refreshing new charm, further broadening his acting spectrum....
The talented actress recently shared her thoughts and emotions about her journey with Brewing Love, the ENA drama that concluded on the 10th. Kim Sejeong played Chae Yong-ju, a spirited special forces employee, and left a lasting impression with her exceptional acting range, heartfelt emotional delivery, and nuanced character portrayal....