Japanese actor Kentaro Sakaguchi, known for his boyish charm and captivating screen presence, recently discussed his full-fledged entry into the Korean entertainment industry. Sakaguchi first debuted as a model in Japan in 2010 and began his acting career in 2014 with the film Shanti Days 365 Days, Happy Breath. Over...
Kim Tae Ri is set to make her highly anticipated return to the small screen as Yoon Jeong-nyeon in the new tvN weekend drama Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born, premiering on October 12th at 9:20 PM. Set in the 1950s, the Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born follows Jeong-nyeon, a “natural...
Shin Hyun Been, the versatile actress known for her powerful performances, has taken on a new challenge in Cinderella at 2 AM. In this romantic comedy, she portrays Ha Yoon-seo, a capable and independent woman who finds herself navigating the complexities of love and relationships. The role marked a departure...
Moon Sang Min, currently starring in the Coupang Play original series Cinderella at 2 AM,’ recently participated in a roundtable interview in Seoul, where he discussed his latest work and shared various insights into his acting journey. Cinderella at 2 AM, directed by Seo Min-jung, is an office romantic comedy...
Song Kang Ho sealed his signature artistry in his first drama in 35 years, starring in Uncle Samsik. This project marked a significant departure from his usual film work, where he was accustomed to telling stories within a limited time frame. In a recent media interview, he shared his thoughts...
Actor Lee Kyu Hyung just dished on all-things Uncle Samsik, the new Disney+ series where he gets to share the screen with the legendary Song Kang Ho! Lee plays Kang Sung-min, a bit of a political climber who tries to use the kind-hearted Uncle Sam-sik (played by Song Kang-ho) for...
Byun Yo Han recently opened up about his ambitions as an actor and reflected on his career during an engaging interview. “My youthful days are behind me… but I’m excited for the wrinkles in my 40s,” Byun Yo Han shared as he sat down for an insightful interview, discussing his role...
The drama may have concluded, but Jang Ki Yong sees it as a new beginning rather than an end. This sentiment, originally conveyed through his character Bok Jae-ju in The Atypical Family, resonated deeply with Jang Ki Yong himself. Recently, Jang Ki Yong sat down for a media interview, marking...
Idols often face acting challenges, but for EXO’s leader Suho, acting isn’t a hurdle. He sees being an entertainer as just part of his job. Recently, he spoke with local media at SM Entertainment in Seoul to mark the conclusion of the MBN weekend drama Missing Crown Prince. In this...
In a recent interview, Kwak Sun Young, reflecting on the conclusion of the action-packed drama Crash, candidly discussed her performance and the challenges she faced. As she revisited her action sequences on-screen, Kwak Sun Young admitted to a sense of regret, lamenting, “Watching the drama unfold, I couldn’t help but...