Netflix has announced that the award-winning animated film, The Boy and the Heron, from Studio Ghibli, will be exclusively available on the streaming platform starting October 7th. This marks a significant expansion of Netflix’s Studio Ghibli collection, which already includes 22 titles. This exciting addition follows Netflix’s strong partnership with...
In a spectacular showcase of anime excellence, Netflix dazzled audiences at AnimeJapan 2024 with its “Netflix Special Stage” held at the AJ Stage! Anime continues to be a popular genre on Netflix, with at least 100 million households tuning in a year, and this momentum shows no signs of slowing,...
Rising Impact, the first anime adaptation of Nakaba Suzuki’s celebrated manga of the same name, will premiere Season 1 exclusively on Netflix on June 22, followed by Season 2 on August 6. Embodying friendship and hard work, the manga captured hearts and minds in the late 1990s and early 2000s....
Encore Films under Warner Bros distribution gifts Japanese anime fans a feast in the Philippines through ANIME-ZING NOVEMBER! Devoted anime fans and film enthusiasts can look forward to a jampacked November with the successive release of anime films along with a live-action Japanese film best seen and experienced at the...
More than three decades after Yu Yu Hakusho first captured the imagination of readers, the beloved manga gets a live-action adaptation that will debut exclusively on Netflix on December 14. The original manga by the legendary Yoshihiro Togashi made waves when it was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump for four...
The One Piece Live Action continues to make waves, winning the hearts of fans all over the world! Since its release, ONE PIECE is the #1 title globally on Netflix with 37.8 million views amassed in less than two weeks. The series reached the Top 10 in 93 countries and...
A week ahead of its premiere, Eiichiro Oda shares 5th letter to update ONE PIECE fans on the live-action adaptation. Netflix also unveils an official dubbed trailer featuring original anime straw hat Japanese voice actors. Netflix and Shuiesha shared a letter from Eiichiro Oda, the creator of the world’s...
Eiichiro Oda pens a 4th letter regarding the series adaptation of the global phenomenon! ONE PIECE Series from Shueisha and Tomorrow Studios Sets Sail August 31 on Netflix! Today, to celebrate ONE PIECE Day, Netflix released the official trailer for the highly-anticipated live-action series ONE PIECE, accompanied by new images...
Set for release on September 13 exclusively on Disney+, this new series stars famed voice actors Rie Miyazawa, Yosuke Kubozuka, Honoka Yoshida and Issey Ogata. After seven years of production, the eagerly anticipated adaptation of Osamu Tezuka’s legendary story “Phoenix: Nostalgia” has been brought to life for global audiences in...
The popular Tokyo-based five-piece band will perform for one night only on 29 September 2023 at the Capitol Theatre! MAN WITH A MISSION‘s global journey continues as they embark on their world tour, currently underway in North America. With the EU & UK MISSION and Japan domestic hall tour already...