In a recent interview commemorating the end of Love Next Door, Jung So Min opened up about her experience and a heartening moment with her mom. Jung So-min expressed her deep satisfaction with the character she portrayed, Bae Seok-ryu, a woman struggling to rebuild her life after a series of...
Jung Hae In recently shared his heartfelt reflections on the conclusion of tvN’s Love Next Door, which marked his first venture into the romantic comedy genre. In a statement released through his agency, FNC Entertainment, he expressed being able to laugh more than ever while filming Love Next Door. “This...
The dashing Choi Jin Hyuk is bringing his “Day and Night” Fan-Con Tour in Asia to the New Frontier Theater on November 9, 2024. Filipino fans will have the chance to meet their favorite actor up close and experience a captivating evening. Choi Jin Hyuk first captured hearts with captivating...
Shin Ye Eun recently sparked excitement through an interview, raising expectations for her upcoming performance and brilliant on-screen rivalry with Kim Tae Ri in the highly anticipated drama Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born. tvN’s new weekend drama Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born, which will premiere on October 12, explores the...
The long wait was finally over. After five years, Korean actor and model Jang Ki Yong met his Filipino fans again at his Beautiful Day Asia Fanmeeting Tour 2024. The actor made his acting debut in 2014 with a small role in the drama, It’s Okay, That’s Love. Since then,...
Shin Min Ah, known affectionately as the “Romantic Comedy Queen,” has once again proven why she holds this title, bringing her signature charm and depth to the small screen with her latest role in tvN’s and TVING’s drama, No Gain No Love. The show, which concluded on October 1st, highlighted...
Kim Tae Ri is set to make her highly anticipated return to the small screen as Yoon Jeong-nyeon in the new tvN weekend drama Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born, premiering on October 12th at 9:20 PM. Set in the 1950s, the Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born follows Jeong-nyeon, a “natural...
Directed by Kim Sang-man and produced by the renowned Park Chan-wook, Uprising promises to deliver an emotionally charged narrative set against the turbulence of war. Uprising centers on the complex relationship between two childhood friends, Cheon-yeong and Jong-ryeo, who, despite their deep bond, are separated by their differing social statuses—Cheon-yeong is...
Shin Hyun Been, the versatile actress known for her powerful performances, has taken on a new challenge in Cinderella at 2 AM. In this romantic comedy, she portrays Ha Yoon-seo, a capable and independent woman who finds herself navigating the complexities of love and relationships. The role marked a departure...
Moon Sang Min, currently starring in the Coupang Play original series Cinderella at 2 AM,’ recently participated in a roundtable interview in Seoul, where he discussed his latest work and shared various insights into his acting journey. Cinderella at 2 AM, directed by Seo Min-jung, is an office romantic comedy...