Calling all Filipino K-Drama addicts! Get ready to scream your hearts out because Kim Ji Won, the one and only Queen of Tears, is gracing us with her presence for a fanmeeting you won’t forget – Be My One! Mark your calendars for August 3rd at the New Frontier Theater...
The hottest new show throws down the gauntlet: who reigns supreme in the social media jungle? The Influencer premieres soon, and it’s gonna be LIT! Netflix is about to unleash a reality show so hot, your phone’s gonna need sunscreen. Buckle up for The Influencer, premiering August 6th, where 77...
Get ready for a heartwarming (and slightly horrifying) tale of fatherly love in Zombie Daughter (WT)! This upcoming film has just locked down a cast that’s practically perfect in every way. Based on a popular webtoon, the story follows a devoted dad named Jung-hwan, played by the amazing Jo Jung...
The movie Pilot just dropped a sneak peek of Jo Jung Suk’s UNSEEN comedic transformation, and it’s looking EPIC. The amazing comedy actor we all adore will show a side of him you’ve NEVER seen before! In Pilot, he plays Han Jung-woo, a once-celebrated pilot who loses his job and...
Destiny takes center stage in the upcoming live-action drama series, Soul Mate. Starring Hayato Isomura and Ok Taecyeon, this heartfelt narrative explores the profound connection between two souls who meet by chance and navigate the complexities of love over ten years. Written and directed by the rising talent Shunki Hashizume,...
Song Kang Ho sealed his signature artistry in his first drama in 35 years, starring in Uncle Samsik. This project marked a significant departure from his usual film work, where he was accustomed to telling stories within a limited time frame. In a recent media interview, he shared his thoughts...
Actor Lee Kyu Hyung just dished on all-things Uncle Samsik, the new Disney+ series where he gets to share the screen with the legendary Song Kang Ho! Lee plays Kang Sung-min, a bit of a political climber who tries to use the kind-hearted Uncle Sam-sik (played by Song Kang-ho) for...
Byun Yo Han recently opened up about his ambitions as an actor and reflected on his career during an engaging interview. “My youthful days are behind me… but I’m excited for the wrinkles in my 40s,” Byun Yo Han shared as he sat down for an insightful interview, discussing his role...
Korean heartthrob Byeon Woo Seok, celebrated for his role in Lovely Runner, recently delighted fans during his inaugural Asia tour, titled the 2024 Byeon Woo Seok Asia Fan Meeting Tour: Summer Letter. The Manila leg, organized by PULP Live World, was held at the New Frontier Theater on June 22,...
After 14 years in the spotlight, actress Kim Ji Won finally held her solo fan meeting, BE MY ONE, over the weekend in Seoul. The event kicked off with an energetic dance performance by Kim Ji Won to 2PM’s “My House,” setting the tone for a homey and welcoming atmosphere....