Director Ryu Seung-wan, who is set to release Veteran 2 in the latter half of the year, has finalized the casting for his next film Humint and is commencing full-scale production. Humint is an espionage action film that centers on North and South Korean secret agents clashing while investigating crimes...
Jang Ki Yong is set to embark on an Asian tour! Jang Ki Yong’s 2024 Asia fan meeting tour, titled Beautiful Day, will kick off in Seoul in August. He will visit six cities, including Tokyo, Taipei, and the Philippines, to connect with his global fans. The fan meeting, Beautiful...
Amidst a flood of congratulatory messages, Lee Yeon Hee joyfully announced her pregnancy through a heartfelt handwritten letter. Lee Yeon Hee is expecting her baby in September and is currently preparing for the birth by carefully managing her schedule. The actress had a private wedding with a non-celebrity in June...
One of the pillars of South Korea’s music industry, IU World Tour H.E.R.E.H. showcases her illustrious career and profound impact and breaks records that continue to solidify her reputation as one of the most talented and beloved artists of her generation, which has earned her the esteemed title of “Nation’s...
Embracing his newfound popularity, Byeon Woo Seok cherishes the nickname “the cure for Monday disease,” considering it the most endearing moniker he’s received. The actor sat down for a media interview sharing his thoughts about his popularity and recent series. In this heartwarming story, diehard fangirl Im Sol’s world is...
Kim Hye Yoon has impressed once again with her performance, solidifying her status as a dependable actress. Her role as Im Sol in the tvN drama Lovely Runner has left many wondering if the show would have been such a success without her. The final episode, which aired on the...
The Lovely Runner male lead has secured the top spot in both drama and non-drama categories, according to Good Data Corporation, a K-content online competitiveness analysis agency. Their survey on the topicality of TV-OTT performers for the fourth week of May revealed that Byeon Woo Seok achieved a feat not...
Ahn Hyo Seop has contributed his talents to the ‘UNICEF Team’ campaign, as announced by his agency, The Present Company. He participated in video and photography for the campaign, which the Korean Committee for UNICEF has been running online since 2018 to support at-risk children worldwide. Alongside Ahn Hyo Seop,...
Kim Ji Won is set to embark on her first Asian fan meeting tour, beginning with a solo event in Seoul on June 22nd and 23rd. The tour, titled 2024 KIM JIWON ASIA FANMEETING TOUR <BE MY ONE>, will include stops in seven key Asian cities. Having recently captivated audiences...
Recently wrapping up his latest project, Lee Je Hoon shared his thoughts on Chief Detective 1958 in a media interview. Lee Je Hoon began by reflecting on the show’s conclusion, expressing that while watching the drama every Friday and Saturday night, he felt it ended too quickly. Despite usually having...