Showing their love, Super Junior enters the MOA Arena with a heavy heart yet still managed to meet and perform for PH ELFs attending the show. Days before Super Junior sets to perform for Super Show 9: Road in Manila, a series of unfortunate events unexpectedly happened that made local and...
A magical night full of aegyos, promises, music, and waves of laughter – it was indeed a memorable starry caravan date with Cha Eun Woo! After entertaining the questions of his PH Fans and PH media during the Starry Caravan Press conference, Cha Eun Woo graced the Filipino Arohas with his angelic...
Clad in a dark suit, Cha Eun Woo dazzles at the recent media conference held in the Philippines. Ahead of his fan meeting, the star of True Beauty totally commanded attention as he receives applause from Philippine press people and invited selected fans. Greeting his fans beamingly, Cha Eun Woo...
Celebrating the sixth Super Show of Super Junior in Manila, we present some trademark SuJu antics to look forward to on August 6! Pulp Live World once again brings the legendary group, Super Junior, to the Philippines for Super Show 9: Road In Manila. Happening on August 6, 5 pm,...
Korean Wave’s biggest stars convened at the VIP launch night of Lee Jung Jae’s directorial debut movie, Hunt. Hunt is a spy action-drama chronicling Korea’s first assassination operation where NIS agents Park Pyong-ho (Lee Jung Jae) and Kim Jeong-do (Jung Woo Sung), suspect each other in order to find the...
Reuniting with his Thai fans, Cha Eun Woo gifted beautiful memories at his recent fan meeting. The actor is currently on an Asian tour and completes the second leg on July 30 with 2022 Just One 10 Minute Starry Caravan in Bangkok. Cha Eun Woo, who visited Thailand after Indonesia,...
Wrapping up his successful local fan meeting, the star of Cafe Minamdang delighted fans at 2022 Seo In Guk Fan Meeting Heart & LOVE. Held in two sessions at Yes24 Live Hall on July 30, the singer-actor gifted his supporters with an irreplaceable happy memory Heart & Love is Seo’s...
Multitalented Wonho successfully completes his first solo fan meeting. Held online and offline, OHHOHO TRIP was held for two rounds on July 30 at Roun Atrium in Mok-dong, Seoul, as Wonho met with fans from all over the world. OHHOHO TRIP is Wonho’s first solo fan meeting since his solo...
PH ELFs, the Hallyu Kings are back! Prepare as Super Junior goes to the Philippines for the Super Show 9: Road In Manila! Trained and debuted under SM Entertainment, Super Junior, which was once a project group with little chance of success, rose to fame because of their addicting song,...
Filipinos who love Korean films are in for a treat as the 2022 Korean Film Festival is slated to launch on August 10! The 2022 Korean Film Festival (KFF) invites everyone to create wonderful bonds and beautiful memories as it comes back with live screenings after two years. Korean Culture...