Lee Jun Hyuk is reprising his popular role as Seo Dong-jae in the new TVING original series. On October 12, TVING unveiled the main poster for its upcoming original series Dongjae, the Good or the Bastard (WT), marking the highly anticipated return of Lee Joon-hyuk in the role of Seo...
The highly anticipated MBC Friday-Saturday drama Doubt has released its main poster ahead of its premiere on October 11 at 9:50 PM. This intense father-daughter thriller stars Han Suk Kyu and Chae Won Bin in leading roles, diving deep into a narrative where familial bonds are tested by dark secrets...
The upcoming JTBC weekend drama A Virtuous Business generates buzz with four new stills featuring Yeon Woo Jin. In the drama, Yeon Woo Jin transforms the 90s rural village setting into a Hollywood-esque backdrop. A Virtuous Business, premiering in October, is a provocative drama set in 1992, focusing on the...
Starring Hwang In Youp, Jung Chaeyeon, and Bae Hyun Sung, the series is set to premiere on October 9th. This youthful romance follows the story of three friends who have been inseparable for a decade. After a ten-year separation, they reunite as strangers, only to rediscover their deep connection. The...
An Unforgettable Night for Jang Ki Yong’s Fans is set to happen! Hallyu fans in Manila are buzzing with excitement as South Korean actor and model Jang Ki Yong prepares for his much-awaited return to the Philippines for the 2024 JANG KI YONG ASIA FANMEETING IN MANILA. Organized by Viu,...
Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born promises a captivating tale of ambition, rivalry, and the pursuit of dreams. Disney+ is set to debut Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born on October 12, a highly anticipated Korean series that brings to life the inspiring story of a young girl’s quest to dominate the...
For respected actor Han Suk Kyu, Doubt is a work that made him think about leaving acting and becoming a parent. Han Suk Kyu’s return to the small screen with Doubt promises a compelling exploration of a father’s journey through a complex moral dilemma. The drama, set against the backdrop...
Han Ga-ram, the writer of the upcoming Genie TV original drama Dear Hyeri has expressed her enthusiasm about the dynamic chemistry between the lead actors, Shin Hye Sun and Lee Jin Wook. The highly anticipated series, set to premiere on the 23rd, presents a touching romance centered on announcer Eun-ho,...
Slated for a 2025 release, I’m Human From Today (LT) is set to be a unique romantic comedy with a twist, exploring the story of a gumiho who refuses to become human and a world-renowned soccer star who inadvertently loses his greatest wish to the mystical creature. This drama will...
Kim So Yeon is making her highly anticipated return to JTBC this October with the new weekend drama A Virtuous Business, marking her first appearance on the network in nine years. Directed by Jo Woong and written by Choi Bo-rim, A Virtuous Business is set in 1992 and revolves around...