tvN’s upcoming weekend drama Jeongnyeon The Star is Born has revealed its first two posters, set against the evocative backdrop of a national theater troupe. Jeongnyeon The Star is Born is a drama that explores the fierce competition, solidarity, and vibrant growth of Jeongnyeon, a naturally gifted vocalist striving to...
A poignant tale of love, loss, and redemption; My Youth stars Song Joong Ki and Chun Woo Hee! My Youth (WT) tells a heartfelt romance between a man who begins an ordinary life later than most, and a woman who must disrupt the peace of her first love to achieve...
Season 2 of Crash is officially on the way, ready to hit the road again in hot pursuit of villains. Global content studio Astory confirmed the production of the second season of Crash, the drama that first premiered on May 13th and broke new ground as Korea’s first series centered...
K-Stars gather in Seoul to talk new series No Gain No Love! Director Kim Jung-sik, along with stars Shin Min Ah, Kim Young Dae, Lee Sang Yi, and Han Ji Hyun, recently came together at a press conference in Seoul to discuss their latest project. This romantic comedy centers on...
Prepare to be captivated by The Judge From Hell, a thrilling courtroom drama coming to Disney+ in September. Armed with a supernatural edge, The Judge From Hell debuts on Disney+ this September 21. This 14-episode series follows Bitna, a judge possessed by a demon sent to Earth on a sinister...
MBC’s Friday-Saturday drama, Such a Close Traitor, has revealed moments from its first script-reading, showcasing the actors’ passionate performances and giving a glimpse into the intense, emotion-filled narrative to come. This highly anticipated series, set to premiere in October, promises to deliver a unique and gripping “father-daughter thriller” that explores...
K-Dramaland is surely abuzz with the confirmation of a new tvN romance series top-billed by Ju Ji Hoon and Jung Yu Mi! 사랑은 외나무다리에서 Love on a Single-Log Bridge (LT) promises a captivating tale of two people with the same name and birthdate who have been locked in a rivalry...
Park Shin Hye is set to undergo a striking transformation into a demon in the upcoming SBS Friday-Saturday drama The Judge from Hell. Premiering on September 21, the series is an action-packed fantasy where the demon Kang Bit-na takes over the body of a judge. She encounters the passionate and...
Genie TV’s upcoming original series, To My Haeri, has unveiled its first teaser poster, promising a heartwarming romantic comedy. Directed by Jung Ji-hyun, known for hits like Twenty Five, Twenty One, and written by Han Ga-ram of When the Weather Is Fine, the drama features a star-studded cast including Shin...
Kim Woo Bin unleashes his inner action hero in Officer Black Belt! Get ready for a thrilling ride as Netflix unveils its latest action-packed film! Slated for a September 13 release, the movie introduces us to Lee Jung-do, a seemingly ordinary young man with an extraordinary talent: he’s a martial arts...