It’s a high-stakes battle of brains and blades in Hyper Knife! Starring Park Eun Bin of Extraordinary Attorney Woo fame and renowned film star Sol Kyung Gu, this gripping medical drama delves into the intense consequences when the only person who can save you is someone you’ve wronged. In Hyper...
Known for his versatility, Yoon Sang Hyun fully immerses himself in the role of Choi Hyun-min, a mysterious figure who appears to be both charming and potentially dangerous in Perfect Family. In the stills unveiled, Yoon Sang Hyun is seen displaying a range of serious and humorous expressions, along with...
A Perfect Family, the highly anticipated new Wednesday-Thursday drama from KBS2, has released a striking and tension-filled 9-person poster, raising the stakes for its upcoming premiere. Directed by renowned Japanese filmmaker Isao Yukisada, the drama promises to take viewers on a thrilling journey through the lives of characters intertwined by...
In Your Honor, renowned actor Kim Myung Min takes on the role of a powerful and influential businessman, Kim Kang-heon. Once a man who wielded his wealth and power to shape an empire, Kang-heon is now a broken individual consumed by grief and anger following the tragic loss of his...
Yoon Se Ah and Kim Byung Chul are set to showcase their exceptional thriller acting skills in the upcoming drama Perfect Family. In this KBS 2TV series, Yoon Se Ah takes on the role of Ha Eun-joo, a mother fiercely devoted to her daughter. When she learns that her daughter...
We’re not complaining about the parade of teasers Love Next Door has been pouring so far, and we definitely want to keep them coming! Set against the backdrop of a familiar neighborhood, Love Next Door follows the lives of four friends as they navigate the ups and downs of adulthood....
The star-studded Genie TV original drama To My Haeri is set to premiere in September. 나의 해리에게 To My Haeri (LT) features a premise exploring psychological depth and romantic tension. The drama revolves around the complex romance between an announcer, Eun-ho, who develops a new personality, and her ex-boyfriend, Hyun-oh,...
Rounding up the lead cast of Dear X are Kim Do Hoon, and Lee Yeol Eum. Helmed by renowned director Lee Eung-bok, known for hits like Sweet Home, Mr. Sunshine, Goblin and Descendants of the Sun, Dear X promises a captivating blend of romance and suspense. Director Park So Hyun,...
Shin Min Ah is set to deliver a spicy romantic comedy in the upcoming series No Gain, No Love! The tvN X TVING original drama, written by Kim Hye-young, directed by Kim Jung-sik, and produced by CJ ENM STUDIOS and Bon Factory, is scheduled to premiere on August 26. The...
Joining the premier actress is a talented cast including Ryeoun, Yoon Sang Hyun, and newcomer Lee Jin Woo. The series, 나미브 Namib (LT) which will premiere later this year, tells the story of a disgraced star producer and her long-shot trainee as they embark on a journey to create a...