Byun Yo Han, Go Joon, Go Bo Gyeol, and Kim Bora are intricately linked through a chilling murder case in Black Out. MBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama Black Out, premiering on August 16 is a reverse-tracking crime thriller. The series follows a young man, Go Jeong-woo, who, after being imprisoned for...
Coupang Play’s series Cinderella at 2 AM has unveiled its first poster and teaser trailer. Directed by Seo Min-jung and Bae Hee-young, with a screenplay by Oh Eun-ji and created by Park Joon-hwa, Cinderella at 2 AM is an office romantic comedy provided by Coupang Play and produced by Imagineers...
Coupang Play’s upcoming series, Newtopia, is set to be a thrilling and unconventional blend of genres. The series will follow the story of Lee Jae-yoon, a timid soldier played by the critically acclaimed Park Jung Min, and Kang Yeong-ju, a free-spirited woman who was once an engineering department goddess, portrayed...
MBC is set to captivate audiences with its upcoming Friday-Saturday drama, Snow White Must Die – Black Out. This suspenseful thriller delves into the aftermath of a mysterious murder that rocked a small community 11 years ago. Set to premiere on August 16, the series teases complex relationships with character...
Uhm Tae Goo, Han Sun Hwa, and Kwon Yul shared their heartfelt messages to fans as My Sweet Mobster wraps up tonight. They expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support and admitted to feeling bittersweet as My Sweet Mobster comes to an end. Uhm Tae Goo, who became synonymous with his...
The global phenomenon that gripped audiences with its high-stakes survival games is set to make a comeback! Netflix has announced that Season 2 of Squid Game is set to premiere on December 26, 2024, with the final season slated for 2025. This news was shared with fans worldwide through a...
TVING’s upcoming historical drama, Queen Woo, promises a thrilling tale of power, intrigue, and survival. Set in the tumultuous aftermath of the king’s demise, Queen Woo tells the story of Empress Woo, who finds herself at the center of a fierce struggle for power. With various factions vying for control and princes...
JTBC’s highly anticipated drama, Good Boy, has unveiled a powerhouse cast that promises an action-packed and thrilling ride. Good Boy (directed by Shim Na-yeon, written by Lee Dae-il, and produced by SLL, Studio & New, and Drama House Studio) is a comic action investigative drama about medalists who become police...
Netflix is set to captivate audiences with its upcoming mystery thriller series, The Price of Confession. Helmed by acclaimed director Lee Jung-hyo, known for his work on Doona! and Crash Landing on You, the series boasts a powerhouse cast that promises to deliver a gripping and emotionally charged narrative. At...
Global superstar Lee Min Ho is reprising his enigmatic role as Hansu in the highly anticipated second season of Apple TV+’s epic drama, Pachinko. Building upon his captivating performance in the first season, Lee Min Ho is set to delve deeper into the complexities of his character, offering fans a...