Heads up, hopeless romantics and science enthusiasts! TV Chosun’s upcoming weekend drama DNA Lover is here to set your hearts aflutter and tickle your brain cells. Premiering on August 17th at 9:10 PM, DNA Lover promises a unique blend of romantic comedy and genetics. The story centers around Han So-jin...
JTBC’s upcoming weekend drama, Romance in the House is not just a tale of a tumultuous family melodrama—it also promises a fresh romance. The plot revolves around a tense family reunion when Byun Moo-jin (Ji Jin Hee), the estranged father who was expelled 11 years ago, returns as the landlord...
MBC’s new Friday-Saturday series features a murder mystery in a sleepy village that’s about to be rocked. Slated to launch on August 16, Snow White Must Die chills audiences with its new teasers, hinting at a dark secret lurking beneath the surface of a seemingly idyllic village. Whispers of a brutal...
The 3rd Blue Dragon Series Awards, held at Paradise City in Incheon on the 19th and hosted by Jeon Hyun-moo and Im Yoon-ah, saw Disney+’s Moving take home the prestigious grand prize. Grand Prize Glory for “Moving” Executive producer Ham Jin accepted the grand prize, sharing his gratitude with the...
Promising a haunting good time with a side of forbidden romance, this 2025 SBS drama aims to leave the audience wanting more. 귀궁 Haunted Palace (LT) is led by the phenomenal Kim Ji Yeon (Twenty-Five Twenty-One) as Yeo-ri. Forget your grandma’s dusty tarot cards – Yeo-ri’s a fierce shaman with...
Jung Hae In and Jung So Min from Love Next Door evoke the romantic vibe of “best friends becoming something more.” Love Next Door is a neighborhood romance filled with twists and turns between a woman attempting to reboot her flawed life and the living reminder of her past, her...
The highly anticipated Korean-Japanese collaboration, What Comes After Love, has finally locked in its premiere date for September 27th at 8 PM KST. To fuel the excitement, the drama has unveiled its first poster, and let’s just say, it’s a guaranteed tearjerker. This sentimental melodrama dives into the aftermath of...
Geum Sae Rok is stepping up to the lead role in KBS’s upcoming weekend drama Iron Family. This isn’t your typical family drama, though. Iron Family is a unique blend of romance and black comedy, following the lives of the Lee family, who run a special kind of laundry shop...
It’s a blast from the past with tvN’s new romance drama Serendipity’s Embrace! This show takes us on a nostalgic journey through first love, revisiting the awkward crushes and tangled emotions of youth. Premiering on the 22nd, the story follows four characters – Lee Hong-joo, Kang Hu-young, Kim Hye-ji, and...
Kim Myung Min is about to steal the show in the upcoming drama Your Honor! This dark and intense series explores the depths of fatherly love, and Kim Myung Min takes the lead as the powerful and ruthless Kim Kang-heon. Anticipation is high for Kim Myung-min’s passionate portrayal. Kang-heon used...