The beloved actor is set to take on a challenging role as a legendary M&A expert in JTBC’s upcoming weekend drama, The Art of Negotiation. Directed by Ahn Pan-seok and written by Lee Seung-young, The Art of Negotiation delves into the high-stakes world of mergers and acquisitions, following a renowned...
tvN’s upcoming weekend drama is set to blast off into a cosmic adventure! When The Stars Gossip will take viewers on an intergalactic journey filled with humor, heart, and a whole lot of extraterrestrial intrigue. Written by Seo Sook-hyang and directed by Park Shin-woo, this exciting new series is Korea’s...
Known for his versatile acting, Lee Joon Hyuk will be taking on a role that is sure to delight fans of his work in Love Scout. Love Scout, delves into the romance between Ji-yoon (played by Han Ji Min), a driven CEO of a headhunting company, and her capable and...
tvN has emerged as the clear leader in 2024’s competitive K-drama scene, claiming the top five spots for the most buzzworthy shows according to Good Data Corporation’s FUNdex report. The highly popular dramas Lovely Runner, Queen of Tears, Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born, Marry My Husband, and Love Next Door...
tvN’s much-anticipated new drama Unknown Seoul has confirmed its casting of Park Bo Young and Park Jin Young, signaling the arrival of a heartwarming and thought-provoking story set to captivate audiences. Unknown Seoul is scheduled to premiere in the first half of 2025 and promises to deliver a blend of...
Get ready to swoon! K-drama powerhouses IU and Byeon Woo Seok are teaming up for an exciting new historical romance drama. On December 2nd, Kakao Entertainment confirmed that IU and Byun Woo-seok had been cast in the upcoming MBC drama 21st Century Grand Prince’s Wife (working title). The project is...
Hwang In Youp has completed his journey in the drama Family By Choice with extraordinary chemistry and heartfelt performances that have solidified his place as a beloved star. Family By Choice, which concluded on November 27, captured the bittersweet yet joyous story of Kim San-ha (Hwang In Youp), Yoon Joo-won...
The promotions are up for the much-waited cosmic love tale in When The Stars Gossip. When The Stars Gossip, a space office drama, is the first of its kind in Korea. It takes place aboard a zero-gravity space station. The plot revolves around the life of Eve Kim, the station’s...
Lee Jong Suk, Moon Ga Young, Kang You Seok, Ryu Hye Young, and Im Sung Jae Join tvN’s Legal Drama Seocho-dong Set in the heart of Seocho-dong, a district known for its concentration of law firms, the series delves into the lives of associate lawyers who navigate the complexities of...
Girls’ Generation’s Seohyun and 2PM’s Taecyeon are teaming up for KBS 2TV’s upcoming fantasy romance drama. Based on a popular web novel 남주의 첫날밤을 가져버렸다, I Stole the Male Lead’s First Night (LT) is a thrilling and unconventional romance, combining elements of fantasy with a humorous and offbeat twist. The...