Geum Sae Rok is stepping up to the lead role in KBS’s upcoming weekend drama Iron Family. This isn’t your typical family drama, though. Iron Family is a unique blend of romance and black comedy, following the lives of the Lee family, who run a special kind of laundry shop...
It’s a blast from the past with tvN’s new romance drama Serendipity’s Embrace! This show takes us on a nostalgic journey through first love, revisiting the awkward crushes and tangled emotions of youth. Premiering on the 22nd, the story follows four characters – Lee Hong-joo, Kang Hu-young, Kim Hye-ji, and...
Kim Myung Min is about to steal the show in the upcoming drama Your Honor! This dark and intense series explores the depths of fatherly love, and Kim Myung Min takes the lead as the powerful and ruthless Kim Kang-heon. Anticipation is high for Kim Myung-min’s passionate portrayal. Kang-heon used...
Prime Video just announced a brand new series that’s sure to tickle your funny bone and melt your heart – No Gain No Love premieres on August 26th! Leading the charge is the undisputed queen of rom-com herself, Shin Min Ah. Fresh off her success in Our Blues, she takes...
Park Ju Hyun shines as the school’s top student with a seemingly perfect life in Perfect Family! Perfect Family dives into the dark underbelly of a seemingly perfect family when their daughter, the brilliant Choi Sun-hee, gets entangled in a murder case. Played by the ever-impressive Park Ju Hyun, Sun-hee is...
There will be a whirlwind of laughs, heartwarming moments, and maybe even a few tears on tvN’s upcoming weekend drama, Love Next Door. Love Next Door throws childhood acquaintances back together in an unexpected way. Our leading lady, played by Jung So Min, is determined to hit the reset button...
Gearing up for its launch, Family By Choice promises a rollercoaster of emotions! This JTBC romance tells the story of three young adults who were practically family for a decade. But then, life threw them curveballs, and they went their separate ways for another ten years. Now, fate reunites them,...
A new serving of romance is up every Monday and Tuesday on tvN in Serendipity’s Embrace! Known for its consecutive romantic hits like Marry My Husband, Queen of Tears, and Lovely Runner, tvN is returning with a new eight-part pure romance series. This new drama stars Kim So Hyun, Chae...
Kim Jung Hyun is set to reveal his hilarious and playful side through his character Seo Kang-joo in KBS 2TV’s weekend drama. Directed by Sung Joon-hae and written by Seo Sook-hyang, Iron Family (LT), slated for its premiere in September, promises a romantic black comedy centered around the quirky family...
Your Honor previews Son Hyun Joo in his latest role as an esteemed judge facing a devastating personal crisis! The series delves into the heart-wrenching world of parental instinct, following two fathers who make extraordinary choices to safeguard their children. At the center of Your Honor is Song Pan-ho, a...