Pachinko Season 2 has confirmed its release date for August 23, unveiling the first stills and main title sequence. The series, which debuted in March 2022, tells a sweeping story that begins with forbidden love and spans Korea, Japan, and the United States. It chronicles the enduring saga of a...
Genie TV’s original drama Your Honor (created by Pyo Min-soo, written by Kim Jae-hwan, directed by Yoo Jong-seon, planned by KT Studio Genie, produced by Take One Studio Co., Ltd. and Monster Company) is set to premiere this summer. The series explores the fatherhood of two men who become “monsters”...
Kim Hye Yoon has impressed once again with her performance, solidifying her status as a dependable actress. Her role as Im Sol in the tvN drama Lovely Runner has left many wondering if the show would have been such a success without her. The final episode, which aired on the...
Korean superstars Gianna Jun and Kang Dong Won headline an upcoming series penned by Decision to Leave writer Chung Seokyung. Set for release on Disney+ in 2025, the Korean thriller Tempest promises a gripping mix of assassinations, political intrigue, conspiracies, and espionage. The plot centers on Munju, a skilled diplomat...
JTBC’s upcoming weekend drama, Miss Night and Day, set to premiere at 10:30 PM on June 15th, delves into the unexpected twists in the lives of its characters. The series revolves around a job seeker who finds herself aging rapidly overnight, and the intricate tale of a talented prosecutor entangled...
The Lovely Runner male lead has secured the top spot in both drama and non-drama categories, according to Good Data Corporation, a K-content online competitiveness analysis agency. Their survey on the topicality of TV-OTT performers for the fourth week of May revealed that Byeon Woo Seok achieved a feat not...
Kim Ji Won is set to embark on her first Asian fan meeting tour, beginning with a solo event in Seoul on June 22nd and 23rd. The tour, titled 2024 KIM JIWON ASIA FANMEETING TOUR <BE MY ONE>, will include stops in seven key Asian cities. Having recently captivated audiences...
Recently wrapping up his latest project, Lee Je Hoon shared his thoughts on Chief Detective 1958 in a media interview. Lee Je Hoon began by reflecting on the show’s conclusion, expressing that while watching the drama every Friday and Saturday night, he felt it ended too quickly. Despite usually having...
Shin Ha Kyun and Lee Jung Ha team up in the eagerly awaited workplace weekend drama, The Auditors. The series premieres in July and follows an audit team at a construction company plagued by embezzlement, corruption, and frequent accidents. Shin Ha Kyun plays Shin Cha-il, the head of the audit...
Lee Jun Young captivates audiences as Moon Cha-min, an 8th-generation chaebol riding a white horse, in the upcoming TVING original series Dreaming of Freaking Fairytale. Premiering on May 31, this romantic comedy follows a woman who, after hitting rock bottom, decides to become Cinderella. She meets a chaebol prince who...