Lee Jun Young captivates audiences as Moon Cha-min, an 8th-generation chaebol riding a white horse, in the upcoming TVING original series Dreaming of Freaking Fairytale. Premiering on May 31, this romantic comedy follows a woman who, after hitting rock bottom, decides to become Cinderella. She meets a chaebol prince who...
Kim Hee Sun is taking on a new challenge by playing a psychological counselor in the upcoming MBC Friday-Saturday drama Bitter Sweet Hell! Known for her versatility, Kim Hee Sun stars as Noh Yeong-won, a top family psychologist in Korea, whose career and family are threatened by an unknown blackmailer....
Jung Kyung Ho is set to star in MBC’s upcoming Friday-Saturday drama! Labor Attorney Noh Moo-jin is a hyper-realistic comic fantasy that follows a labor attorney who sees ghosts and resolves challenging labor disputes. Jung Kyung Ho will play the title role of Noh Moo-jin, a labor attorney without historical...
ONE TV Asia, the premier destination for Korean entertainment, is excited to announce the highly anticipated premiere of the new crime thriller Connection on Saturday, May 25th, at 9:45 PM, airing within 24 hours of its South Korean broadcast. This gripping series is set to spice up Saturday nights with...
Get ready for the debut of Seoul Busters, a new Korean cop comedy hitting Disney+ this September. This police dramedy follows a team of underperforming homicide detectives who are in for a rude awakening. Starring Kim Dong Wook, Park Ji Hwan, and more, the series promises a lot of laughs...
More details about Connection are revealed in latest teaser! Ji Sung, Jeon Mi Do, Kwon Yul, and Kim Kyung Nam have unexpectedly unveiled a ‘group poster’ raising anticipation from fans. SBS’s new Friday-Saturday drama Connection, premiering at 10 PM on May 24th, follows an ace narcotics detective who is forcibly...
Jung Eun Ji faces a challenging job market, akin to passing through the eye of a needle. In JTBC’s upcoming drama Miss Night and Day airing on June 15, Jung Eun Ji portrays Lee Mi-jin, a young woman who has spent eight years preparing for the civil service exam without...
Seo Ji Hoon shows off his flower boy beauty in the BTS worldview drama Begins≠Youth. The drama Begins≠Youth, co-produced by Chorokbaem Media and Hybe in collaboration with Finger Labs, is a re-imagined series based on the ongoing fictional narrative BTS has been presenting through their albums and music videos since...
Get ready to step into the prestigious corridors of Jooshin High School, where wealth and status reign supreme, and every corner holds a hidden secret. Premiering on June 7, Hierarchy offers a fresh twist on the classic high school drama genre. Directed by Bae Hyeon-jin (known for Start-Up, Big Mouth,...
Uhm Tae Goo is diving into the romance genre with his new role. JTBC’s upcoming Wednesday-Thursday drama My Sweet Mobster, premiering on June 12, centers on Seo Ji-hwan who ended his past as a gangster boss and returned as the CEO of the social enterprise. Ji-hwan is a character who...