MBN’s new weekend mini-series Missing Crown Prince, scheduled to be aired for the first time on March 9, released the main poster featuring Suho, Hong Ye Ji, Myung Se Bin, Kim Joo Hun, and Kim Min Kyu. Missing Crown Prince is a creative collaboration between director Kim Jin-man, who worked...
Kim Nam Joo’s first still from Wonderful World has been released. When a professor’s son is killed without consequence, she will go to extraordinary lengths to exact her revenge in Wonderful World, a new Korean drama coming March 1 to Disney+. After a successful career that saw Eun Soo-hyun climb...
Setting out to capture women’s hearts, Kim Soo Hyun dressed in a luxury suit befits the son-in-law of a chaebol family in Queen of Tears. tvN’s new drama Queen of Tears narrates the dizzying crisis and miraculous restart of Hong Hae-in, a third-generation chaebol heiress of Queen’s Group, and Baek...
In case you missed it, the delightful series, LTNS recently wrapped up! Here is what you can expect this month on Viu! Queen of Divorce Starring Lee Ji-ah and Kang Ki-young, Viu Original Queen of Divorce is a rom-com and revenge K-drama surrounding Sarah Kim, South Korea’s greatest divorce troubleshooter. Betrayed by her...
The lead pair of Wedding Impossible are on opposing missions! Wedding Impossible narrates the secrets of Na-jeong (Jeon Jong Seo) and Lee Ji-han (Moon Sang Min), who are about to undertake an important mission that will change their lives. In the drama, Na-jeong is on a desperate romantic mission. She...
A high school April Fool’s prank unravels a thread of fate in this TVING series. A Week Before I Die tells the story of a twenty-four-year-old woman who lives aimlessly with no motivation for life. Then she meets her childhood friend and first love who appears as a Grim Reaper,...
The lead stars of the highly-addictive TVING series relay stories about their latest work. LTNS tells the story of a couple whose relationship has become estranged due to life hardships. They chase after extramarital couples to make money. LTNS, which combines pleasant dialogue and a detailed story, has steadily gone...
Disney+ upcoming original series acquaints viewers with its female lead. The Impossible Heir threads on how the illegitimate son of a Korean conglomerate owner partners with his ambitious childhood friend who stops at nothing to seize their place at the top of the societal food chain. Hong Su Zu, who...
Netflix spills enthralling teasers for the highly anticipated return of Squid Game 2. Unveiling tantalizing glimpses of what’s to come, the “Next On Netflix” event today further fans the excitement over a show that remains Netflix’s most popular series more than two years after its release. A heart-pounding finale clip...
The table-read for the highly-anticipated series was completed and captured moments were revealed by the production team. tvN’s new drama Queen of Tears narrates the dizzying crisis and miraculous restart of Hong Hae-in, a third-generation chaebol heiress of Queen’s Group, and Baek Hyun-woo, a supermarket prince and son of Yongduri’s...