The lead stars of JTBC’s new weekend series graced the drama presentation that was broadcast live on YouTube. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and warm...
Star-studded Apartment404 launches on Prime Video in Malaysia and more than 240 countries and territories on February 23! Prime Video announced today that the unscripted show Apartment404, from tvN and Amazon, will be available on Prime Video in Malaysia and more than 240 countries and territories worldwide, starting Friday, February 23. Episodes will...
Kang Ki Young announced another life character as Lee Ji Ah’s charming colleague in JTBC’s new series. Queen of Divorce is billed as the story of a “bad spouse” punishment solution service company aiming to put an end to a troubled marriage life raised by a client. First, Lee Ji...
From the mind behind hit drama, MOVING, the new Disney+ original features an enigmatic story not to be missed. After entertaining audiences across the world in 2023 with his unmissable super-powered drama Moving, lauded screenwriter Kangfull returns later this year with Light Shop – a mysterious drama that explores life,...
Stringing notable successes on both small and big screens, Jung Woo Sung is happy and thankful. The actor’s latest drama, Tell Me That You Love Me, recently wrapped up and was well-received for delivering simple and warm comfort. Jung Woo Sung expressed his gratitude, “I feel fortunate, thankful, and proud...
Netflix greenlights the production of new drama series Two Women! Two Women traverses the journey of two friends who have an unwavering, labyrinthine love-hate relationship. They find their lives complicatedly linked as they cross each other’s paths through different phases in life. Ryu Eun-jung (Kim Go Eun), a fascinating and...
This new special series interestingly explores mystery metafiction. Grand Shining Hotel tells the story of a woman trapped in a novel and pursues a mysterious author who controls everything to save a man who has become the target of a serial killer. Director Myung Hyun-woo, who co-directed the dramas Search,...
In the new series, Lomon plays a righteous MZ intern who doesn’t know how to lie. Billed as a relationship reversal romance thriller, Branding in Seongsu-dong depicts what happens when the souls of the prickly marketing team leader Kang Na-eon and the adorable intern So Eun-ho change. In the play,...
The new SBS series ostensibly captures distinct colors of its characters in the latest teaser. Flex X Cop follows the story of a chaebol detective who catches criminals. Joining the lineage of SBS Friday-Saturday heroes, Ahn Bo Hyun portrays Jin Yi-soo a parachute detective and a third-generation childish chaebol who...
Rounding up the main leads are Kim Jun Han and Pyo Ji Hoon (P.O)! 굿파트너 Good Partner (LT), scheduled to air in 2024, is a cold and hot human legal office drama about a star lawyer whose ‘vocation’ is divorce, and a new lawyer who is experiencing divorce for the...