The exciting bickering between a parachute tycoon detective and a genius police officer heightens interest in the upcoming SBS series! Flex X Cop follows the story of a chaebol detective who catches criminals. Joining the lineage of SBS Friday-Saturday heroes, Ahn Bo Hyun portrays Jin Yi-soo a parachute detective and...
Following the teaser poster and announcement of the first broadcast, the new tvN historical series presents its lead pairing. Captivating the King chronicles the cruel fate of King Lee In who is high-ranking but despondent, and Kang Hee-soo who dreamed of revenge but fell in love with him. Director Jo...
Evoking warmth, the main poster of Doctor Slump invites viewers to an unforgettable reunion story. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and warm solace. In charge...
Lee Ji Ah is preparing to open the best divorce problem solver company in Korea. Queen of Divorce is billed as the story of a “bad spouse” punishment solution service company aiming to put an end to a troubled marriage life raised by a client. First, Lee Ji Ah plays...
The lead stars of Doctor Slump are featured in the latest teaser highlighting their school days’ back story. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and warm...
MBC announces the new series as part of its celebrated Friday-Saturday drama schedule. Wonderful World (planned by Kwon Seong-chang/directed by Lee Seung-yeong and Jeong Sang-hee/written by Kim Ji-eun/produced by Samhwa Networks) is a human mystery drama about a woman who personally punished the murderer who killed her son. She uncovers...
Ahn Bo Hyun looks expensive and adorable in the first stills of SBS series, Flaunt X Cop! Flex X Cop follows the story of a chaebol detective who catches criminals. Joining the lineage of SBS Friday-Saturday heroes, Ahn Bo Hyun portrays Jin Yi-soo a parachute detective and a third-generation childish...
Stunning character posters hype up the wait for the premiere of Gyeongseong Creature! Set to deliver thrill and action, Gyeongseong Creature follows individuals going up against monstrous creatures that were born out of human greed. Set in the spring of 1945, in the city of Gyeongseong, the series is highly...
A thrilling story that sees a college student face off against assassins, murder drones and more as the result of her guarded uncle’s hidden past, A Shop For Killers stars Lee Dong Wook and Kim Hye Jun. Disney+ is kicking 2024 off to an explosive start with the January 17...
Director Ha Byung-hoon, Seo In Guk, Park So Dam, Kim Ji Hoon, Choi Si Won, Sung Hoon, Kim Kang Hoon, Jang Seung Jo, Lee Jae Wook, Go Youn Jung, Kim Jae Wook, and Kim Mee Kyung gathered at a local press conference in Seoul to discuss their upcoming series Death’s...