Disney+’s original series The Light Shop Keeper unveiled two teaser posters and a teaser trailer. Light Shop Keeper is an adaptation of the popular webtoon by Kangfull, who also adapted the series for television. The story follows these six individuals, each grappling with a traumatic event from their past that...
Father Kim Hae-il, a former intelligence agent turned fiery, justice-seeking priest, is back in action in The Fiery Priest 2, premiering November 8 on Disney+. Known for his short temper and unrelenting pursuit of what’s right, Father Kim will stop at nothing to root out corruption and bring criminals to...
PULP Spaces+ has officially revealed the much-anticipated BINI Light Stick, a must-have item for the dedicated BLOOM fandom of the rising girl group, BINI. The unveiling comes ahead of the sold-out Grand BINIverse concerts, offering fans the perfect companion to elevate their concert experience. Inspired by the Sampaguita, the national...
Chae Soo Bin is poised to deliver a powerful performance in When The Phone Rings! When The Phone Rings is a secret romance thriller that explores the intriguing story of a show-window couple in their third year of an arranged marriage, whose life takes a dark turn following a threatening...
As the premiere of The Fiery Priest 2 approaches, anticipation is building with the release of striking character posters showcasing the main cast: Kim Nam Gil, Honey Lee, and Kim Sung Kyun. These visuals promise an exhilarating journey filled with drama and action, hinting at the formidable teamwork among the...
Netflix is gearing up to premiere the romantic comedy series Mr. Plankton on November 8, inviting viewers to embark on a heartwarming journey filled with adventure, laughter, and poignant moments. The series centers on the lives of Hae Jo, a man whose existence stems from a mistake, and Jae-mi, a...
The highly anticipated supernatural mystery series Light Shop Keeper, created by the mind behind Moving, is slated to debut exclusively on Disney+ on December 4. This eight-part series features an impressive ensemble cast, including Ju Ji Hoon (Blood Free, Kingdom), Lee Jung Eun (Parasite), and Park Bo Young (Strong Girl...
Love Your Enemy confirms premiere date on November 23, taking the coveted tvN weekend time slot. This exciting new tvN drama centers around the intricate and tumultuous relationship between Seok Ji-won and Yoon Ji-won, two individuals who not only share the same name but also were born on the same...
The first stills of Yoo Yeon Seok, who is poised to take the lead in MBC’s highly anticipated 2024 drama When The Phone Rings, have been released, showcasing his compelling transformation into the youngest presidential spokesperson, Baek Sa-eon. Set to premiere in November, When The Phone Rings is a thrilling...
Kim Young Dae, one of the stars of the tvN and Tving original drama No Gain No Love, recently opened up about his views on love and marriage in a roundtable interview. The actor sat down with the media to commemorate the conclusion of the drama and discuss his experience...