Shin Min Ah, known affectionately as the “Romantic Comedy Queen,” has once again proven why she holds this title, bringing her signature charm and depth to the small screen with her latest role in tvN’s and TVING’s drama, No Gain No Love. The show, which concluded on October 1st, highlighted...
Kim Sejeong and Lee Jong Won are set to captivate audiences with their portrayal of a romantic relationship that intensifies under the influence of alcohol. The production team of ENA’s upcoming Monday-Tuesday drama, Brewing Romance (directed by Park Seon-ho and written by Lee Jung-shin), has released two teaser posters and...
KBS2’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama, Face Me, has officially kicked off, drawing attention with its unique and unprecedented blend of medical drama and crime thriller. Directed by Jo Rok-hwan and written by Hwang Ye-jin, the show revolves around a collaborative pursuit of justice, in which a coldly rational plastic surgeon and...
Japanese actor Kentaro Sakaguchi, known for his boyish charm and captivating screen presence, recently discussed his full-fledged entry into the Korean entertainment industry. Sakaguchi first debuted as a model in Japan in 2010 and began his acting career in 2014 with the film Shanti Days 365 Days, Happy Breath. Over...
Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born, a new drama set in the 1950s, has released a vibrant poster. The drama follows the compelling story of Yoon Jeongnyeon, portrayed by Kim Tae Ri, a “natural vocal genius” navigating the competitive landscape of the national opera scene in the 1950s, shortly after the...
Dongjae, the Good or the Bastard promises to be a riveting exploration of a complex character caught between his past and his aspirations. Seo Dongjae, played by Lee Joon Hyuk, is a prosecutor haunted by his time as a sponsored prosecutor. He’s desperate to break free from this stigma and...
The legal drama landscape is set to be shaken up with the upcoming premiere of Parole Examiner Lee on tvN. Scheduled for November 18th at 8:50 PM, the show promises a thrilling and thought-provoking exploration of the parole system. At the heart of the drama is Go Soo, a charismatic...
Namgoong Min and Jeon Yeo Been embark on an irresistible romance in the upcoming SBS drama Our Movie, set to air in 2025. The melodrama tells the story of a film director struggling with the “sophomore jinx”—where initial success is followed by a steep decline—and a free-spirited aspiring actress with...
Jo Woo Jin and Ji Chang Wook star in the highly anticipated eight-part crime drama Gangnam B-Side, premiering exclusively on Disney+ on November 6. The series dives deep into the underworld of vice and corruption lurking beneath the surface of Gangnam, Seoul’s affluent district. The story follows detective Kang Dong-woo,...
Returning from the depths, Hellbound Season 2 is set to premiere on October 25, accompanied by a captivating new teaser trailer and character key art that provide an exciting glimpse into the expansive universe and diverse ensemble cast. The first season of Hellbound achieved remarkable success, earning the title of...