At the Busan International Film Festival, Netflix revealed its 2025 Korean film lineup during the “Next on Netflix: 2025 Korean Films”. Reflecting on its involvement with Korean cinema, Netflix offered an exclusive look at seven upcoming films set for release next year. Vincent Taewon Kim, Netflix Korea’s Director of Content...
Prepare to be captivated by the gripping tale of Uprising, which premieres on October 11, exclusively on Netflix. Uprising sets the stage for a captivating tale amidst the turmoil of war, focusing on the complex dynamics between two childhood friends who become adversaries. The film is set to premiere on...
Starring Hwang Jung Min and Jung Hae In, the sequel to the 2015 hit Korean film, Veteran hits Philippine theaters on September 25. I, The Executioner follows veteran detective Seo Do-cheol, played by Hwang Jung Min, and his dedicated team, now joined by rookie officer Park Sun-woo (Jung Hae In),...
Netflix has announced a new youth romance film titled Love Untangled. Set in the nostalgic year of 1998, the film follows Park Se-ri, a high school student who has a lifelong frustration with her unruly curly hair. Determined to confess her feelings to the most popular student in school, she...
Directed by Kim Sang-man and produced by the renowned Park Chan-wook, Uprising promises to deliver an emotionally charged narrative set against the turbulence of war. Uprising centers on the complex relationship between two childhood friends, Cheon-yeong and Jong-ryeo, who, despite their deep bond, are separated by their differing social statuses—Cheon-yeong is...
Netflix has officially announced the production of Mantis, an action-packed film that centers on Mantis, a top-tier assassin who returns to the chaotic world of contract killing after taking a vacation. Upon his return, Mantis finds himself entangled in a fierce competition for supremacy, facing off against Jae-yi, a fellow...
Fans of the enigmatic actor Kang Dong Won are in for a treat. His critically acclaimed film, The Designer, is set to captivate audiences once again, this time on the streaming platform Disney+. The movie, which previously enthralled cinemagoers upon its release last May, will be available exclusively on Disney+...
Lock It In: Mission: Cross trailer hints at epic action! This film detonates on Netflix on August 9th! Definitely this summer’s action-comedy powerhouse, Netflix is serving up a summer blockbuster that’ll have you laughing, gasping, and maybe even swooning a little. Buckle up for Mission: Cross, the action-comedy that throws...
Get ready for a cinematic journey that will tug at your heartstrings and expand your imagination. Netflix is about to unveil Wonderland, a mind-bending sci-fi fantasy that promises to leave you breathless. Directed by the visionary Kim Tae Yong and boasting a star-studded cast including Tang Wei, Bae Suzy, Park...
A content feast is coming your way from Kakao Entertainment! Kakao Entertainment will present various works in the second half of this year, including the movie Revolver, Netflix series Gyeongseong Creature Season 2, and Zombieverse Season 2. On July 10, Kakao Entertainment revealed its lineup of works for the second...