Get ready for a heartwarming (and slightly horrifying) tale of fatherly love in Zombie Daughter (WT)! This upcoming film has just locked down a cast that’s practically perfect in every way. Based on a popular webtoon, the story follows a devoted dad named Jung-hwan, played by the amazing Jo Jung...
The movie Pilot just dropped a sneak peek of Jo Jung Suk’s UNSEEN comedic transformation, and it’s looking EPIC. The amazing comedy actor we all adore will show a side of him you’ve NEVER seen before! In Pilot, he plays Han Jung-woo, a once-celebrated pilot who loses his job and...
Buckle up, K-movie fans, because Revolver is about to blow you away! This intense new film, directed by the acclaimed Oh Seung-wook, just locked in its release date for August 7th and unveiled a first look that’ll leave you wanting more. Here’s the lowdown: We meet Sooyoung (Jeon Do Yeon),...
Following the success of the thriller Hellbound, Netflix is reuniting with director Yeon Sang-ho and writer Choi Gyu-seok to adapt another gripping comic, Revelations. Revelations centers on a pastor and a detective, each driven by their convictions. The pastor feels divinely ordained to punish the culprit behind a missing person...
The highly anticipated film Veteran 2 is set to be released in September 2024, building excitement among fans. After being showcased at the 77th Cannes International Film Festival in the Midnight Screening section this May, Veteran 2 will soon make its domestic debut. This action-packed crime investigation drama features the...
Known for his exceptional ability to embody diverse characters, Ju Ji Hoon takes on a new challenge in this disaster survival thriller. 탈출: 프로젝트 사일런스 (Escape: Project Silence LT) revolves around a series of collisions in dense fog and the ensuing struggle for survival against out-of-control military lab dogs on...
Director Ryu Seung-wan, who is set to release Veteran 2 in the latter half of the year, has finalized the casting for his next film Humint and is commencing full-scale production. Humint is an espionage action film that centers on North and South Korean secret agents clashing while investigating crimes...
The movie Wonderland, which is attracting attention due to the meeting of popular actors such as Tang Wei, Bae Suzy, Park Bo Gum, Jung Yu Mi, and Choi Woo Shik, has unveiled its latest teasers. Wonderland tells the story of meeting a loved one again through ‘Wonderland’, a video call...
Following his successful debut with the Netflix film Unlocked, director Kim Tae-joon is back with his second feature, Wall to Wall. This thriller follows the story of a man who finally saves up enough to buy an apartment, only to have it turn into a nightmare with financial ruin and...
The highly anticipated 60th Baeksang Arts Awards will be held on May 7! Celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, the renowned awards ceremony will be held at COEX in Gangnam-gu, Seoul from 5 p.m. on May 7, and will be broadcast live simultaneously on JTBC, JTBC2, and JTBC4. The Baeksang...