Netflix is preparing to launch viewers into a dazzling new era of K-romance with When the Stars Gossip, a groundbreaking series blending heartfelt emotions and interstellar adventures. Slated to premiere in 2025, this ambitious production stars Lee Min Ho and Gong Hyo Jin, two of Korea’s most beloved actors, in...
Prepare for an electrifying journey into the heart of investigative journalism with Unmasked, a Korean thriller set to premiere exclusively on Disney+ this January 15! Starring a powerhouse cast led by Kim Hyesoo (Signal, Smugglers), the series dives into the high-pressure world of a news team racing against time to...
Newtopia: A Korean Zombie Apocalypse Series Starring Park Jeong Min and Blackpink’s Jisoo Premieres on Prime Video February 7, 2025 The wait is almost over! Prime Video has officially announced the release of Newtopia, a highly anticipated Korean zombie apocalypse series starring renowned actor Park Jeong-min and global K-pop sensation...
A mesmerizing world of ghosts and spirits is set to debut on Netflix with East Palace (working title). Written by Kwon So-ra and Seo Jae-won, the creative duo behind Bulgasal: Immortal Souls, and directed by Choi Jung-kyu of The Devil Judge, this supernatural drama promises an electrifying tale brought to...
A marriage ensnared in secrets is coming up in Netflix series The Trunk starring Gong Yoo and Seo Hyun Jin! When a mysterious trunk washes up on the shore, it unveils an unusual, hidden world of marriage entanglements and secrets. This secret trunk becomes the catalyst for a story that...
This fall, high school sweethearts are set for a dramatic reunion 18 years after their painful breakup in Love Your Enemy, a fresh romantic comedy series premiering November 23 on Disney+. Seok Jiwon and Yoon Jiwon, born on the same day to rival families, defied the odds to fall in...
Get ready to dive into a world of quirky superheroes and unexpected laughter! Netflix has confirmed the production of The WONDERfools, a new comedy-action series that promises to captivate audiences with its unique blend of humor, heart, and superpowers. Leading the charge is an all-star cast lineup that includes Park...
What mysteries ripple beneath the surface of a peaceful lakeside? Premiering on November 29, The Trunk — a high-society melodrama filled with suspense — invites viewers into its world with a newly released teaser poster and trailer. Directed by Kim Kyu-tae (Our Blues, It’s Okay, That’s Love) and penned by...
Launching November 8 on Netflix, Mr. Plankton offers viewers an emotional blend of romance, comedy, and adventure. The series centers around Hae Jo, a man born from an unfortunate circumstance, and Jae-mi, a woman burdened by misfortunes, who unintentionally accompany each other on what may be Hae Jo’s final journey....
Netflix is gearing up to premiere the romantic comedy series Mr. Plankton on November 8, inviting viewers to embark on a heartwarming journey filled with adventure, laughter, and poignant moments. The series centers on the lives of Hae Jo, a man whose existence stems from a mistake, and Jae-mi, a...