Get ready to dive into a world of quirky superheroes and unexpected laughter! Netflix has confirmed the production of The WONDERfools, a new comedy-action series that promises to captivate audiences with its unique blend of humor, heart, and superpowers. Leading the charge is an all-star cast lineup that includes Park...
What mysteries ripple beneath the surface of a peaceful lakeside? Premiering on November 29, The Trunk — a high-society melodrama filled with suspense — invites viewers into its world with a newly released teaser poster and trailer. Directed by Kim Kyu-tae (Our Blues, It’s Okay, That’s Love) and penned by...
Launching November 8 on Netflix, Mr. Plankton offers viewers an emotional blend of romance, comedy, and adventure. The series centers around Hae Jo, a man born from an unfortunate circumstance, and Jae-mi, a woman burdened by misfortunes, who unintentionally accompany each other on what may be Hae Jo’s final journey....
Netflix is gearing up to premiere the romantic comedy series Mr. Plankton on November 8, inviting viewers to embark on a heartwarming journey filled with adventure, laughter, and poignant moments. The series centers on the lives of Hae Jo, a man whose existence stems from a mistake, and Jae-mi, a...
The highly anticipated supernatural mystery series Light Shop Keeper, created by the mind behind Moving, is slated to debut exclusively on Disney+ on December 4. This eight-part series features an impressive ensemble cast, including Ju Ji Hoon (Blood Free, Kingdom), Lee Jung Eun (Parasite), and Park Bo Young (Strong Girl...
Jo Woo Jin and Ji Chang Wook star in the highly anticipated eight-part crime drama Gangnam B-Side, premiering exclusively on Disney+ on November 6. The series dives deep into the underworld of vice and corruption lurking beneath the surface of Gangnam, Seoul’s affluent district. The story follows detective Kang Dong-woo,...
Returning from the depths, Hellbound Season 2 is set to premiere on October 25, accompanied by a captivating new teaser trailer and character key art that provide an exciting glimpse into the expansive universe and diverse ensemble cast. The first season of Hellbound achieved remarkable success, earning the title of...
Great news for fans of Korean dramas: the highly anticipated series As You Stood By (WT) has officially begun production, featuring a stellar cast that includes Jeon So Nee, Lee You Mi, Jang Seung Jo, and Lee Mu Saeng. The gripping narrative explores the unforeseen events that unfold when two...
Imagine this: a hardworking woman falls for a seemingly ordinary colleague, only to discover he’s secretly the heir to a powerful conglomerate. This unexpected twist sets the stage for a whirlwind romance filled with familiar K-drama tropes. In Cinderella at 2AM, Shin Hyun Been and Moon Sang Min bring these...
All episodes of Queen Woo are now available on Viu, and it’s a treat you don’t want to miss! Starring Jeon Jong Seo, Ji Chang Wook and Lee Soo Hyuk, this gripping historical action drama takes you on an unforgettable journey, blending palace politics, intense action, and dark, mature themes....