Jo Woo Jin and Ji Chang Wook star in the highly anticipated eight-part crime drama Gangnam B-Side, premiering exclusively on Disney+ on November 6. The series dives deep into the underworld of vice and corruption lurking beneath the surface of Gangnam, Seoul’s affluent district. The story follows detective Kang Dong-woo,...
Returning from the depths, Hellbound Season 2 is set to premiere on October 25, accompanied by a captivating new teaser trailer and character key art that provide an exciting glimpse into the expansive universe and diverse ensemble cast. The first season of Hellbound achieved remarkable success, earning the title of...
Great news for fans of Korean dramas: the highly anticipated series As You Stood By (WT) has officially begun production, featuring a stellar cast that includes Jeon So Nee, Lee You Mi, Jang Seung Jo, and Lee Mu Saeng. The gripping narrative explores the unforeseen events that unfold when two...
Imagine this: a hardworking woman falls for a seemingly ordinary colleague, only to discover he’s secretly the heir to a powerful conglomerate. This unexpected twist sets the stage for a whirlwind romance filled with familiar K-drama tropes. In Cinderella at 2AM, Shin Hyun Been and Moon Sang Min bring these...
All episodes of Queen Woo are now available on Viu, and it’s a treat you don’t want to miss! Starring Jeon Jong Seo, Ji Chang Wook and Lee Soo Hyuk, this gripping historical action drama takes you on an unforgettable journey, blending palace politics, intense action, and dark, mature themes....
A canine-assisted featuring respected veteran actor aims to provide quirky drama experience for fans this month in Who Knows Your Secret? Who Knows Your Secret? is a heartwarming 12-episode healing comedy with a mix of crime-solving suspense and witty humor. Featuring a star-studded ensemble cast, including veteran actors Lee Soon...
Spice Up Our Love, a highly anticipated spin-off of the popular Korean series No Gain No Love, is set to premiere exclusively on Prime Video in Malaysia and more than 240 countries and territories on October 3. The romantic comedy, featuring a stellar cast led by Lee Sang Yi and...
Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born promises a captivating tale of ambition, rivalry, and the pursuit of dreams. Disney+ is set to debut Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born on October 12, a highly anticipated Korean series that brings to life the inspiring story of a young girl’s quest to dominate the...
Next year, two of Korea’s biggest acting talents will face off in Made in Korea, an intense new series debuting exclusively on Disney+. This gripping K-Drama explores one man’s relentless pursuit of wealth and power. Set against the backdrop of the tumultuous 1970s, Made in Korea is a captivating crime...
Following the gripping conclusion of Season 1, Gyeongseong Creature returns for a second season, transporting viewers from the harrowing streets of 1945 Gyeongseong to the bustling metropolis of modern-day Seoul. The series, which originally captivated audiences with its intense portrayal of love and survival amidst the chaos of 1945 Gyeongseong,...