International murders, conspiracies, and romance to keep audiences on an enthralling ride in Red Swan, a New Korean Drama Premiering July 3 on Disney+! After enduring years of her husband’s infidelity, a Goodwill Ambassador finds herself drawn to her enigmatic bodyguard in Red Swan, a gripping new Korean drama debuting...
Almost half of 2024 has passed by. Are you feeling the urge to hit the rewind button and begin anew? Explore Viu’s new and currently streaming K-Dramas plus a handpicked assortment of time-travel series with each one whisking you away to a unique era. Lovely Runner Fans of Byeon Woo...
“I’ve taken a life.” This ominous statement from the Hierarchy trailer sets the tone for a series rife with intrigue and controversy. As word spreads of a student’s demise, tensions rise and hidden truths begin to surface. Jooshin High School, a prestigious establishment steeped in privilege and concealed motives, is...
Set against the backdrop of a turbulent political landscape in South Korea, The Whirlwind follows the intense clash between the prime minister and the deputy prime minister, each driven by their own agendas. The tension heightens when the prime minister decides to assassinate the president, sparking a fierce power struggle...
Korean superstars Gianna Jun and Kang Dong Won headline an upcoming series penned by Decision to Leave writer Chung Seokyung. Set for release on Disney+ in 2025, the Korean thriller Tempest promises a gripping mix of assassinations, political intrigue, conspiracies, and espionage. The plot centers on Munju, a skilled diplomat...
ONE TV Asia, the premier destination for Korean entertainment, is excited to announce the highly anticipated premiere of the new crime thriller Connection on Saturday, May 25th, at 9:45 PM, airing within 24 hours of its South Korean broadcast. This gripping series is set to spice up Saturday nights with...
Get ready for the debut of Seoul Busters, a new Korean cop comedy hitting Disney+ this September. This police dramedy follows a team of underperforming homicide detectives who are in for a rude awakening. Starring Kim Dong Wook, Park Ji Hwan, and more, the series promises a lot of laughs...
Seo Ji Hoon shows off his flower boy beauty in the BTS worldview drama Begins≠Youth. The drama Begins≠Youth, co-produced by Chorokbaem Media and Hybe in collaboration with Finger Labs, is a re-imagined series based on the ongoing fictional narrative BTS has been presenting through their albums and music videos since...
Get ready to step into the prestigious corridors of Jooshin High School, where wealth and status reign supreme, and every corner holds a hidden secret. Premiering on June 7, Hierarchy offers a fresh twist on the classic high school drama genre. Directed by Bae Hyeon-jin (known for Start-Up, Big Mouth,...
Coming to Disney+ on May 15, Uncle Samsik sees the first small screen project of respected actor Song Kang Ho. Uncle Samsik takes audiences back to the turbulent 1960s in South Korea, a time of immense change and upheaval. This series explores the unique friendship and shared ambitions between two...