Netflix has just dropped the main poster and trailer for sci-fi horror Parasyte: The Grey, giving audiences a nail-biting glimpse into the world of parasitic organisms and the relentless struggle of humanity against their invasion. Expanding the universe of the original best-selling manga, “Parasyte,” by Hitoshi Iwaaki, the series tells...
A legend returns in Chief Detective 1958 starring Lee Je Hoon! Step back in time to Seoul before K-Pop, smartphones and streaming, and discover the making of a legend when Chief Detective 1958 lands April 19 on Disney+. Set ten years before the widely loved ‘70s and ‘80s Korean drama...
In Hide, a perfect life broke down in an instant! Hide is a 12-episode mystery thriller starring Lee Bo Young (Agency, When My Love Blooms, God’s Gift 14 Days, I Can Hear Your Voice), Lee Mu Saeng (The Glory, Cleaning Up, The World of the Married, Gyeongseong Creature 2), Lee...
All set to launch on April 10, here’s a quick roundup of the narrative and featured characters in Blood Free! Starring Ju Ji Hoon and Han Hyo Joo, Blood Free follows a former bodyguard haunted by his past failures. This new Disney+ original will run 10 episodes. Disney+ 2024 K-Content Roster:...
The new Netflix series drops an intriguing first look ahead of its premiere on April 5! The much-awaited teaser trailer and poster of Parasyte: The Grey are here, offering a peek into its riveting storyline. Directed by Yeon Sang-ho, the series is set to expand the world of the globally...
Starring Joo Won, Kwon Nara, Yoo In Soo & Eum Moon Suk – this drama tells the story of a feisty photographer who owns a photo studio that services only the dead, and a hot-blooded lawyer who chances upon the mysterious place. In The Midnight Studio Seo Ki-joo (Joo Won)...
Starring Jo Yoon Su, Cha Seung Won, Kim Seon Ho, and Kim Kang Woo, the eagerly awaited series makes its global debut in 2024! When a game-changing bioenhancer is stolen during a secret handover between Korean and US intelligence agencies, both governments will have to work together and race to...
Starring Ju Ji Hoon and Han Hyo Joo, Blood Free follows a former bodyguard haunted by his past failures. After diving down a rabbit hole of tangled leads, he finds himself recruited to protect the CEO of a controversial lab-grown meat company who is also a survivor of the fateful attack...
The sins of the city spills over in Gangnam B-Side, a new Korean crime drama exclusively coming to Disney+ later this year! After years of being shunned by his department, a detective will be forced back to the frontlines in Gangnam B-Side, an unmissable crime drama coming later this year,...
Dropping its launch poster, Parasyte: The Grey, premiering April 5, offers a peek into an eerie reality of parasitic life forms infiltrating Korea. As unidentified parasitic life forms that live off human hosts strive to grow their power and start to disrupt society, a group of humans wage war against...