Embark on a whirlwind romance with Queen of Tears, Netflix’s crowning romantic comedy of 2024, premiering March 9! This series, a tour de force of emotion and wit, boasts the magnetic duo of Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won, under the deft narrative craftsmanship of Park Ji-Eun, the celebrated...
Disney+ announced today it would continue to build on the early success of its local original content with an exciting expansion of its 2024 Korean slate. This comes after a bumper 2023 that saw Korean originals Big Bet and Moving take home a steady stream of international awards and Moving...
A guaranteed elevated dopamine is up for viewers on the quirky and humorous Netflix series, Chicken Nugget, premiering March 15. A bizarre comic-mystery drama, the series takes you on a rollercoaster ride with Sun-man as he navigates an absurd mission: To rescue his daughter, Min-ah, who has turned into a...
Starring Jeon Jong Seo and Moon Sang Min, Wedding Impossible will premiere on Prime Video in Malaysia and selected countries on February 26! Prime Video announced today that Wedding Impossible, from tvN and Amazon Prime Video, will be available on Prime Video in Malaysia and selected countries starting Monday, February 26. Episodes will be...
This year’s slate features world-class titles, returning beloved series, and exciting new treats for K-Drama fans! Fan favorites are finally returning this year on Netflix! Recently announced, K-Drama fans are ready for a new round of Squid Game. Likewise, Sweet Home Season 3 will premiere this summer, as monsterization ends...
In case you missed it, the delightful series, LTNS recently wrapped up! Here is what you can expect this month on Viu! Queen of Divorce Starring Lee Ji-ah and Kang Ki-young, Viu Original Queen of Divorce is a rom-com and revenge K-drama surrounding Sarah Kim, South Korea’s greatest divorce troubleshooter. Betrayed by her...
Netflix spills enthralling teasers for the highly anticipated return of Squid Game 2. Unveiling tantalizing glimpses of what’s to come, the “Next On Netflix” event today further fans the excitement over a show that remains Netflix’s most popular series more than two years after its release. A heart-pounding finale clip...
A soul-switching reversal romance is up for Kim Ji Eun and Lomon in Branding in Seongsu. Branding in Seongsu is a 24-episode workplace fantasy romance starring Kim Ji Eun (Longing for You, One Dollar Lawyer, Again My Life, Doctor Prisoner), Lomon (All of Us Are Dead, Revenge of Others, Revenge...
A revenge-fueled ride from start to finish, this upcoming series stars Kim Nam Joo and Cha Eun Woo! When a professor’s son is killed without consequence, she will go to extraordinary lengths to exact her revenge in Wonderful World, a new Korean drama coming March 1 to Disney+. After a...
A Killer Paradox presents the story of an ordinary man, who finds himself killing evildoers, and a detective tenaciously in pursuit of him. Scheduled to launch on February 9, A Killer Paradox trailer gives a glimpse into the story of a regular guy who somehow turns into a serial killer,...