Netflix series The Trunk presents an innovative approach to love, featuring a compelling mystery melodrama that explores unique emotional landscapes and relationships. The recent production conference for The Trunk was held in Gangnam, Seoul, attended by the director Kim Kyu-tae and the main cast, including Seo Hyun Jin, Gong Yoo,...
Parole Examiner Lee, the latest tvN Monday-Tuesday drama starring Go Soo and Kwon Yuri, promises a fresh narrative filled with thrilling action and an innovative story. Fans are eagerly anticipating how the unique storyline and stellar cast will invigorate tvN’s drama lineup. On November 11, the online production conference for...
The return of Seo Dong-jae, the beloved character from Stranger, has sparked excitement among fans. After a four-year hiatus, Lee Jun Hyuk is stepping back into the role of Seo Dong-jae, much to the delight of fans. His return is already generating significant buzz, as viewers have eagerly awaited the...
Queen Woo, a captivating new historical drama, delves into the tumultuous life of Queen Woo, a woman forced to navigate the treacherous waters of royal politics in ancient Goguryeo. Set against a backdrop of political intrigue and personal ambition, the series offers a fresh perspective on the life of a...
Pachinko 2 continues the epic saga of immigrants surviving the Japanese colonial period. On the morning of the 23rd, the press conference for the second season of the Apple TV+ series Pachinko was held at the Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas in Samseong-dong, Seoul. The event featured appearances by key cast...
Cinderella at 2 AM is a refreshing take on the classic Cinderella story. This romantic comedy-drama follows the lives of Ha Yoon-seo and Seo Joo-won, two individuals with vastly different perspectives on love and relationships. Ha Yoon-seo, played by Shin Hyun Bin, is a realist who believes that Cinderella is...
K-Stars gather in Seoul to talk new series No Gain No Love! Director Kim Jung-sik, along with stars Shin Min Ah, Kim Young Dae, Lee Sang Yi, and Han Ji Hyun, recently came together at a press conference in Seoul to discuss their latest project. This romantic comedy centers on...
A new serving of romance is up every Monday and Tuesday on tvN in Serendipity’s Embrace! Known for its consecutive romantic hits like Marry My Husband, Queen of Tears, and Lovely Runner, tvN is returning with a new eight-part pure romance series. This new drama stars Kim So Hyun, Chae...
Buckle up for a fresh SBS drama hitting the airwaves on July 12th – Good Partner! This drama takes a unique spin on the courtroom genre, diving into the world of divorce lawyers. Leading the cast is Jang Na Ra, transforming into Cha Eun-kyung, a sharp and efficient star lawyer...
Calling all foodies! Jinny’s Kitchen is back for season 2, and it’s looking tastier than ever. Directed by the renowned Nah Yung-suk, this unscripted show features your favorite stars Lee Seo-jin, Jung Yu-mi, Park Seo-jun, Choi Woo-shik, and the new addition, Ko Min-si. Get ready to watch them take on...