Netflix has announced that the award-winning animated film, The Boy and the Heron, from Studio Ghibli, will be exclusively available on the streaming platform starting October 7th. This marks a significant expansion of Netflix’s Studio Ghibli collection, which already includes 22 titles. This exciting addition follows Netflix’s strong partnership with...
Netflix has officially announced the production of Mantis, an action-packed film that centers on Mantis, a top-tier assassin who returns to the chaotic world of contract killing after taking a vacation. Upon his return, Mantis finds himself entangled in a fierce competition for supremacy, facing off against Jae-yi, a fellow...
Beyond Goodbye is a new Japanese romance drama that promises a bittersweet story of heartbreak, destiny, and the enduring power of love. The series, written by acclaimed screenwriter Yoshikazu Okada and starring Kasumi Arimura and Kentaro Sakaguchi, is set to premiere on November 14. The plot revolves around Saeko, who...
Calling all ZEROSE in the Philippines! ZEROBASEONE (ZB1) is bringing their electrifying energy to Manila for their first world tour! Mark your calendars for October 12, 2024, when the SM Mall of Asia Arena will come alive with the 2024 ZEROBASEONE THE FIRST TOUR [TIMELESS WORLD] IN MANILA. After skyrocketing to...
Dear, EXO-Ls! Get ready to lose your minds because the news we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived! CHANYEOL, the multi-talented superstar, is making his highly anticipated return to the Philippines for an unforgettable solo concert! Mark your calendars for October 19, 2024, as CHANYEOL takes the stage at...
Lee Joon Gi is set to kick off his 2024 LEE JOON GI ASIA TOUR <JOONGI’S DAY: FESTIVAL in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia>, at the end of September. He will meet fans in various regions, including Taipei, Taiwan. The released poster captures Lee’s striking profile under the spotlight, exuding a mysterious...
Is falling in love a crime? The fresh trailer for Chastity High immerses viewers in the turmoil of a prestigious high school where dating is strictly forbidden, sparking chaos as students expose one another and rebel against the stringent rules. Set to premiere on August 29, Netflix’s first Japanese school...
Lock It In: Mission: Cross trailer hints at epic action! This film detonates on Netflix on August 9th! Definitely this summer’s action-comedy powerhouse, Netflix is serving up a summer blockbuster that’ll have you laughing, gasping, and maybe even swooning a little. Buckle up for Mission: Cross, the action-comedy that throws...
Calling all ARMYs! Get ready for a summer adventure with BTS’s youngest members, Jimin and Jung Kook! Their brand new travel show, Are You Sure?!, premieres on Disney+ on August 8th and promises an epic journey filled with laughter and unforgettable experiences. This show isn’t just about ticking destinations off...
Calling all foodies! Jinny’s Kitchen is back for season 2, and it’s looking tastier than ever. Directed by the renowned Nah Yung-suk, this unscripted show features your favorite stars Lee Seo-jin, Jung Yu-mi, Park Seo-jun, Choi Woo-shik, and the new addition, Ko Min-si. Get ready to watch them take on...