City Hunter, a Japanese live-action adaptation of the legendary, best-selling manga of the same name, is set for release in 2024 on Netflix. Ryohei Suzuki (Tokyo MER, Segodon) is confirmed to take the lead role of Ryo Saeba. Excited to work on City Hunter, the prized actor looks forward to...
Dear David, an unconventional coming-of-age love story from Indonesia, premieres on Netflix on February 9! Starring Shenina Cinnamon, Emir Mahira, and Caitlin North, the film tells the story of Laras (Cinnamon), a straight-A high schooler whose life is turned upside down when her risqué fantasy blog about her crush David...
Welcoming a new member to their family, THEBLACKLABEL is elated to work with Park Bo Gum, a well-respected and loved public figure. “We are thrilled to welcome Park Bo Gum who has strong influences not only in South Korea but also overseas. We will leverage our capabilities and knowledge to...
KC Global Media, Asia’s leading entertainment network and multi-channel operator announced its content partnership with Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC), South Korea’s leading national broadcasting network, onboarding more premium drama and variety shows on ONE. Fans can now enjoy all genres from MBC including romance fantasy series, Kokdu: Season of Deity,...
K-Heritage clean beauty brand Hanyul names Park Eun Bin as its new endorser. Phenomenal actress Park Eun Bin rippled immense popularity for her titular role in Extraordinary Attorney Woo last year. Hanyul revealed that Park’s image which has both external Korean beauty and inner health, fits well with her brand’s...
An unexpected journey to self-love will be featured in the heartwarming film, Ajooma. TBA Studios has acquired exclusive Philippine theatrical distribution rights to the lighthearted family drama Ajoomma, which will be released on March 15. Directed by Singaporean filmmaker, He Shuming, his feature debut film tells the story of a...
Love is truly in the air on Netflix! Check out these all-new love stories on Netflix for your movie (and TV!) date nights this season of love. Explore saccharine stories this love month on Netflix with upcoming titles that can take you all over the world; intrigue you with different...
A new drama and new shows are going to launch for tvN Asia in February! Get ready to be star-struck by The Heavenly Idol this love month on tvN! Kim Min Kyu plays a powerful high priest who finds himself possessing the body of a K-pop idol. Find out how he...
Universal Records recently announced a very exciting new mini-series called Pag-ibig Na Kaya in support of the much-anticipated release of Julie Anne San Jose and Rayver Cruz’s remake of the known mid-2000s love song. While the JulieVer couple is set to top-bill this project, they will also be joined by two Korean talents, one is...
Achieving an impressive feat, ENHYPEN officially sold out its 3-Day concert ENHYPEN WORLD TOUR MANIFESTO in MANILA! Without a doubt, ENGENEs are at a fever pitch for the arrival of ENHYPEN to the Philippines with their much-anticipated massive world tour. Their dedication to the group is truly overwhelming and is...