Multi-talented Lee Seung Gi – is such a rare artist with a wide range of skills that seemingly just keeps on growing!
Currently, the actor stars in tvN’s seasonal travel variety show, Hometown Flex with Cha Tae Hyun. His Netflix venture with Jasper Liu, Twogether, has been receiving loved from both local and foreign fans. The actor recently sat down for an interview and talked about his career and people who has shaped his growth as jack-of-all-trade in South Korean entertainment scene.
Working on Twogether
Twogether quickly received great attention from domestic and foreign fans. It placed on the top 10 Netflix video rankings in the world, a week after the release. Grateful for the feat, he said, “I am grateful that it was liked in many countries including Asia. Even when shooting, this was unexpected. I want to go once again because of that.”
Responding to his collaboration with Jasper Liu for Twogether, he remarked that he took responsibility rather than lead Liu. His extensive variety show experience came in handy to the Taiwanese artist.
Further expounding the gaps needed for him to fill on, he explained how the struggle for two members is real. That is because the language barrier might lead to audio gaps because the communication might not be quick.
“But this time, I thought that I could communicate even if it was not in language. Emotions, gestures, and common denominators of fear before going to the mission place, and Jasper Liu’s determination was also highlighted,” he recalled.
With entertainment show experience gained through the years, Lee mentions how Jasper Liu reminded him of his stint in 2 Days 1 Night. Recounting the experience, he conversed with locals he met for the first time and negotiated with the production team.
Collaborating with Variety Show PDs
Comparing his works with directors he worked with, Lee spilled the difference between PD Cho Hyo Jin, who directed Twogether, and PD Na Young Suk with whom he had a few projects including Noona Over Flowers.
Lee said, “The styles are different. Na PD tries to capture a person’s own sensibility naturally while being ordinary. It’s a documentary rather than a game.
Cho PD has a variety of games, missions, processes, and achievements that are faithful to variety. The two are different in color, so it seems that even the same travel entertainment comes out differently.”
Remembering his rookie variety show days, Lee confessed how he wanted to run away and felt burdened when he appeared in 2 Days 1 Night. However, his weakness turned into confidence through the help of Kang Ho Dong. I loved variety show entertainment, so I did my best. Ho-dong hyung, the members, and the PD helped me well.”
17 years and counting
Talking about his path as an entertainer, he mentions what he wants to aspire. He said, “It is the middle point between Kang Ho Dong and Yoo Jae Seok. The two are different leaders.” He praises Kang’s tenacity in improving his ability to survive in a harsh environment. He describes Yoo as a captain who takes care of everything.
Challenge is better than familiarity seems to be Lee’s ruling mantra. As an all-rounder artist, he has been successful as a singer, actor, and entertainer. But, Lee continues to push himself for new ventures.
“Everything is burdensome. It seems that there is a sense of achievement only if you overcome a certain goal. I have a lot of troubles between “being familiar and challenging things that need a lot of preparation,” he said.
On that note, Lee Seung Gi knows the importance of working with familiarity. At the same time, he acknowledges that to be inspired, he has to challenge himself.
Leaving profound message on his future goals, Lee Seung Gi stated, “I am worried that I do not seem to keep developing. I want to develop, but as time goes by, I have a lot of expectations and roles, but I really want to do it well. The results are important, but I think it is important to immerse and enjoy the moment.”
He also promises to work on his music activities. He said, “I was preparing, but it was temporarily postponed due to COVID-19. I’ll definitely tell you when I’m ready.”
Source: Sports Donga
Photos: Netflix
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