K-Drama Mid-Series Recap: “Weak Hero” Undergo A Roller-coaster Ride of Emotions

Weak Hero

Switching to the other side, The Weak Heroes went through endless chaotic events.

In the next episodes, Si Eun (Park Ji Hoon), Suho (Choi Hyun Wook), and Beom Seok (Hong Kyung)’s friendship grow fonder as time goes by. They became each other’s strengths and weaknesses at the same time. However, the one they taught would last forever turned into their worst nightmare.

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Episode Recap:  01 & 02

Weak Hero Mid-Series Highlights

“You’re driving me crazy.”

Asking for Si-eun forgiveness, Young-bin kneeled in front of him. Turned out it was just his tactic to bring the trio to meet the whole gang.

Gil-su, the founder of the gang and the fraud website, asked for $15,000 as compensation for Seok-dae’s arm. He gave an ultimatum to bring the money after three days or else they need to borrow money from him.

The fearless Si Eun asked him if he has proof that they did it. Gil Su was extremely furious because the trio won’t fall into his scheme. He even threatened them that he would kill people for a living.

Weak Hero

“I thought you were darn weak but you’re actually gutsy.”

The trio didn’t give in to Gil Su’s condition. The unstoppable Suho thought tricked Gil Su. Unfortunately, he already knew it all along.

Bum Seok was frightened about Suho’s sudden move and followed him immediately. He was ready to give the money in exchange for Suho’s safety. Gil Su brought them to an abandoned amusement park to hide.


On the contrary, Si Eun called the police for help. However, the officers declared that his evidence is not enough and they don’t have a warrant of arrest.

The persistent Yeon Si Eun followed them through Young Yi’s tracker. The police officers were able to catch them off guard and arrested them later on.

Weak Hero

Don’t try to fight. You’ll get hurt.


The sun is still half asleep but Suho decided to teach Si Eun some fighting skills before going to class. 

“Your arms must always protect your chin. If there’s someone in front of you and he’s telling you he’s going to beat you up to death, don’t look at his eyes. Focus on his shoulder instead. When a shoulder is about to come towards you, bend your body 90 degrees. After that, don’t beat him but run for it. Don’t even look back”, he instructed. 

We all need someone like Suho in our lives! 

Weak Hero

“Do I have to stop because you tell me so? Am I your subordinate?”

Suho stopped Beom Seok as he was already going too far. Beom Seok felt embarrassed as he was waiting for this revenge for a long time. He feels like Suho was just ordering him around. Little did he know, he was saving him from bigger consequences.

Weak Hero

“You did nothing wrong.”


Si-eun’s parents were beside him during these tough times. This time, they set aside their work to prioritize him. His mother wanted to bring him to class and meet his homeroom teacher but he insisted. Meanwhile, his father reminds him that what happened is not his fault and he didn’t do anything wrong.

When all else fails, we just need a little validation from our support system. 

Weak Hero

Weak Hero Mid-Series Musings (Spoilers alert!)

Weak Hero gave me goosebumps as the characters revealed different personas in every episode. The drama showcases how people can do various things. You can’t really tell that you know a person completely. At times, they couldn’t even recognize themselves.

It made my heart break that the best of friends turned into mortal enemies in one snap. I didn’t expect that Beom Seok could put Suho’s life at stake when he’s willing to give tons of money just to save him. I couldn’t despise his character as he went through a lot. Even Si Eun couldn’t lay his fist on him. However, his behavior got out of hand and we shouldn’t use our past as an excuse.

On another note, the teachers’ and the parents’ reaction to the countless violence amazes me. It seems like this kind of situation is a normal setting in an all-boys school. In one episode wherein Si Eun went home looking like a mess, his dad asked him if he got into a fight. “It’s okay. Boys fight from time to time. Did you get a punch?”, he added jokingly.

In another incident, Si-eun confronted Beom Seok about what happened to Suho. His emotion is overflowing and he is already uncontrollable. He was pushing everything that got in his way. Already carried away, he even punched the windows in the hallway. The teachers still want him to give respect to Beom Seok’s dad, a government official, regardless of how he feels. It shows how society prioritizes power over humanity.

Watch the rest of Weak Hero episodes on Wavve and Kocowa.

Photos | Video: Wavve

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