“My Sweet Mobster” Episodes 3 and 4 Recap

In the wake of her latest scandal, our leading lady is hit by more trouble, one after the other, causing our former gangster to rack his brains over how to comfort her. He might be a little kid when it comes to romance. But isn’t that his charm?

Meanwhile, our prosecutor lead finally makes an appearance, and he doesn’t seem too pleased to see our heroine together with another man, especially if that man is a former criminal.

Bunny S. watches My Sweet Mobster on Viu

Episode Recaps: 01 & 02

My Sweet Mobster Episodes 3 and 4 Highlights

“Are you going to take all the blame by yourself again?”

Carrying her over his shoulder, Ji-hwan gets Eun-ha out before she gets roasted again by the angry parents. Eun-ha initially protests against it and tries to go back in, yet she eventually comes around and lets Ji-hwan give her a ride home, where he sweetly gives her medications for her sprained ankle.

More than just treating her ankle, Ji-hwan wants to comfort Eun-ha and help treat her broken heart. But as we already know, dealing with women isn’t Ji-hwan’s area of expertise. The most he can do is stall for time using his milk-stained trench coat as an excuse, transfer the sick children to VIP rooms, and help the parents sue the company. Still, it isn’t all lost, seeing how Eun-ha gets reminded of how Ji-hwan carried her and fixes his coat’s loose button.

“That sounded more genuine than a confession.”

I thought Eun-ha’s terrible boss would fire her for uploading the original footage last week. But though he didn’t, Eun-ha’s boss throws her under the bus for the milk accident and basically forces her to take a break.

Jobless, Eun-ha has no choice but to swallow her pride and take on a cleaning job at a haughty influencer’s house. And to rub it in, Haughty Influencer invites their colleagues over to her house to embarrass Eun-ha.

“I have to go out but I don’t have a coat.”

With Eun-ha’s previous videos taken down, a downcast Ji-hwan uses the coat as an excuse to go see her. And as it just so happens, Ji-hwan overhears the conversation between Eun-ha and Haughty Influencer outside the latter’s house. (Side note: the haughty influencer seems to have a long-time crush on Ji-hwan after helping her out in the past, but Ji-hwan is nonchalant to her.)

Running into Ji-hwan in that state is what actually gets Eun-ha embarrassed. She doesn’t care much about others laughing at her situation. Yet the situation is different when it comes to Ji-hwan. To drink her sorrows away, Eun-ha heads to a tent bar. And to her surprise, Ji-hwan joins her after ridding himself of Haughty Influencer.

“Isn’t that how it is supposed to go?”

Normally, it is the woman who gets drunk, and the man takes her home. But here we got a funny role reversal, with Ji-hwan being a lightweight and getting accidentally drunk and Eun-ha having to drag him across the street. A sober Ji-hwan is cute but a drunk Ji-hwan is twice as cute. (I can’t wait to see the shocked look on Ji-hwan’s face after waking up and remembering what he did.)

After being shocked by what he did, it is time for Ji-hwan to have another daydreaming session about Eun-ha and send her a text to check if she went homely safely and maybe make a typo and get shocked again while at it.

To correct the misunderstanding, Ji-hwan calls Eun-ha. Good thing he did as Eun-ha is about to get kicked out of her home as her contract with the agency has expired. So, that was Eun-ha’s boss’s plan all along: keep Eun-ha for a bit longer so that he can pin the blame on her and give her the sack after that.

“Why don’t we get help from someone who knows kids?”

With nowhere to go, Eun-ha heads to her old neighborhood, wishing to run into her oppa even if it is a fat chance. Instead, Eun-ha comes across Ji-hwan who, despite knowing the truth, plays along with Eun-ha’s obvious lies. Using the coat as a pretext yet again, Ji-hwan invites Eun-ha over. And the poor girl just dozes off out of exhaustion before realizing it.

To return the favor, Eun-ha tags along when Ji-hwan drops by the missing employee’s house. You know, Eun-ha is the best at dealing with children. So, she is the best candidate to persuade the missing employee’s seven-year-old sister to let Ji-hwan look around the house.

It is all going well and Ji-hwa looks smitten watching Eun-ha play with the young girl. Except, they get interrupted by Hyun-woo, who seems to hold some intel about the missing employee. We end this week with our main trio gathered in one place for the first time and Eun-ha caught between our leading men.

“Take it. You will catch a cold if you get soaked in the rain.”

Though we don’t know yet if Hyun-woo is Eun-ha’s neighborhood oppa, we get a flashback to their first meetings as adults where Eun-ha gave Hyun-woo an umbrella to shield himself from the rain. And though it was a children-sized one, this sweet gesture was enough to touch Hyun-woo’s heart and make him cherish the memory of that day.

In the present, Eun-ha and Hyun-woo are reunited again when Hyun-woo summons Eun-ha to testify on the mishap that ensued on the day Ji-hwan was looking for the missing employee.

True to herself, Eun-ha gets excited just spotting the name “Hyun-woo.” From name to age and maybe dream profession, everything checks. And if we add the longing look in Hyun-woo’s eyes while stealing glances at Eun-ha and how he gets worried after learning Eun-ha and Ji-hwan crossed paths a few times, the possibility of Hyun-woo being Eun-ha’s neighborhood oppa is going up.

Further, Eun-ha gets excited, having spotted the umbrella (It seems like using umbrellas as a shield is the new trend in K-Drama land.), and remembered their first meeting. Though Hyun-woo tried not to show it, Eun-ha was so close to figuring out Hyun-woo is “Justice,” the follower who defended her against the hate comments. A flustered Hyun-woo (or more precisely Kwon Yul) is a treat to watch.

My Sweet Mobster Episodes 3 and 4 Musings

I find the flashbacks from the childhood days a bit misleading. There is nothing concrete pointing to any of our leading men. And even the sentimental look in Hyun-woo’s eyes and how he seems to be hiding something from Eun-ha might all be a red herring. Actually, I don’t really care which one will turn out to be the neighborhood oppa. Eun-ha might not realize it yet but she is slowly falling for Ji-hwan.

Though Eun-ha hates thugs and gangsters, she feels comfortable around Ji-hwan and doesn’t feel scared to share a car ride with him, get into his house, or have breakfast with his family of ex-convicts. Perhaps Eun-ha might get a bit confused if Hyun-woo turns out to be her oppa, but by the time this happens, our cute former gangster will have stolen her heart. Drunken antics aside, Ji-hwan’s words about missing Eun-ha’s videos and wanting her to keep doing them were moving.

A part of me wishes Hyun-woo would be the oppa, though. Falling in love as children, going separate ways, and then meeting again as adults and falling for each other is a time-worn trope. And it will be refreshing to have Eun-ha fall for another man as an adult. Eun-ha’s time with her oppa will still remain a cherished memory, but she doesn’t have to end together with him just because of that.

On a lighter note, I am all for the secondary romance brewing between Ji-hwan’s right-hand man, Joo II-young (Kim Hyun-jin), and Eun-ha’s best friend Ku Mi-ho (Moon Ji-in). For a second, the drama fooled me with the business card thing and had me suspecting II-young might fall for Eun-ha too. But as it turns out, II-young was trying to help his clueless love boss, giving Eun-ha Ji-hwan’s card. Every clueless at-love male lead needs a quick-witted right-hand man like II-young.

Photos and Videos: JTBC Drama

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