abbyinhallyuland’s kdramadiary

FINALLY! abbyinhallyuland is on her new nest!

I have been meaning to transfer all my old writings, and because time is on my side now, I am happy to work on this small personal project.

In 2009, I started my blog writing mostly about Korean romance movies. Eventually, I turned to Korean dramas because the romance genre dwindled in numbers in the recent years. I have been celebrating the beauty of K-Dramas since college. Often times, I question why I chose that path. *chuckles 

I could have chosen a more normal life campaign, but here I am, promoting K-Dramas’ therapeutic power. At least, my advocacy is one of the cutest ever. *wink

In 2017, I started writing for Hellokpop and it literally nurtured my kdrama fangirl spirit. My words will still be over there, but I want to have my own space where I can blab comfortably like a regular fangirl.

I do not review badly executed and written dramas because there’s no point in doing so. Just to set your expectations, my entries here would be short and sweet. If you want full details, I will be linking the formal-ish version from Hellokpop.

Occasionally, I also watch other Asian dramas and film contents as well as the regular Western series and movie. Ergo, I might share some thoughts about those in the future.  Expect some K-Pop blabs too. I bloomed late loving K-Pop but it doesn’t mean it is less special.

I will be sharing this blog site with some of my friends and I hope to meet new friends even more through my new worldwide web home. If you want to guest write, shoot me an email.

P.S. I am still in the process of moving my old content while updating with newer ones, kindly bear it. #StaySafe.


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