The star-studded Genie TV original drama To My Haeri is set to premiere in September. 나의 해리에게 To My Haeri (LT) features a premise exploring psychological depth and romantic tension. The drama revolves around the complex romance between an announcer, Eun-ho, who develops a new personality, and her ex-boyfriend, Hyun-oh,...
Rounding up the lead cast of Dear X are Kim Do Hoon, and Lee Yeol Eum. Helmed by renowned director Lee Eung-bok, known for hits like Sweet Home, Mr. Sunshine, Goblin and Descendants of the Sun, Dear X promises a captivating blend of romance and suspense. Director Park So Hyun,...
Get ready for a dose of unexpected fun! A star-studded lineup featuring Lee Je Hoon, Lee Dong Hwi, Kwak Dong Yeon, and Cha Eun Woo is set to embark on a unique adventure in Finland. According to tvN, 핀란드 셋방살이 Living in a Three-Bedroom House in Finland (LT) is set to air in...
Shin Min Ah is set to deliver a spicy romantic comedy in the upcoming series No Gain, No Love! The tvN X TVING original drama, written by Kim Hye-young, directed by Kim Jung-sik, and produced by CJ ENM STUDIOS and Bon Factory, is scheduled to premiere on August 26. The...
Having gotten together after so long, our leads are relishing in the sweetness of the beginnings. But unluckily, their happiness is cut short by the sudden arrival of an unwelcome guest. The question now is whether our male lead will stand his ground this time and walk down the path...
Joining the premier actress is a talented cast including Ryeoun, Yoon Sang Hyun, and newcomer Lee Jin Woo. The series, 나미브 Namib (LT) which will premiere later this year, tells the story of a disgraced star producer and her long-shot trainee as they embark on a journey to create a...
The Frog is poised to be a gripping psychological thriller that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats. The newly unveiled trailer offers a chilling glimpse into a world where normalcy is shattered by unexpected darkness. The trailer begins with a foreboding voiceover, setting the tone with the...
Our fantasy tale of double identities and secret investigations has come to an end. It might have unfolded differently from what we had in mind. But it still had its good moments. Giving us a belated happy ending and a parting message to cherish our youth, and not take it...
The talented actor Lee Jae Wook is gearing up for his debut fan concert. His agency, Log Studio, announced on the 6th that the actor will host the ‘2024 LEE JAE WOOK FAN CONCERT IN SEOUL ‘log in” at Myeonghwa Live Hall in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul, on September 28th. The fan...
Promising a heartwarming and exciting love story, the series also stars Baek Sung Chul and Shin Do Hyun. The upcoming ENA drama, Drunken Romance 취하는 로맨스 will follow the unlikely pairing of a passionate liquor saleswoman and a sensitive brewery owner. Their relationship, as different as the tastes and aromas of...