Showcasing life in an advertising agency, JTBC released official teasers for their upcoming drama Agency. Agency is a workplace drama directed by Lee Chang Min. The story follows Go A In (Lee Bo Young)’s career path as she climbs to the highest position in an advertising agency. She came from a poor family...
Ending Ma Tae-hwa’s evil run, Taewon Police and Firefighters work together to secure decisive proof to lock him in the 8th episode of The First Responders. Making a move to an unfinished business from a heartbreaking case he had, Jin Ho-gae is eager to seal that fight despite his own...
Surviving the car collision, Chairman Jin searches for its instigator in Reborn Rich. Miracle Investment acquires Soonyang Department Store and Soonyang Investment after Hwa-young’s and Dong-ki’s mismanagement. Chairman Jin’s proclamation of Do-jun as the owner of Soonyang Financial Holding Company gets postponed after falling into a car accident. Marcie Line...
A powerhouse lead pairing is sealed for the upcoming Netflix series, 이두나 Lee Doona! (LT). Marking her drama comeback since her lauded performance in the series Anna, Bae Suzy will draw a romantic story with Yang Se Jong. Notably, this will be Yang’s post-military service drama. Billed as a romance-cohabitation...
KBS2’s new Monday-Tuesday drama picks an interesting plot and is scheduled to air on January 2, 2023. Brain Cooperation is a brain science comic investigation drama in which two men who can’t kill each other solve a criminal case related to a rare brain disease. It depicts the story of...
Unleashing enticing filming photos, The Glory is decked to close 2022 K-Dramaland with a bang! The Glory follows the story of a woman who was tormented by violence as a child and returns back as an adult for her revenge. Desperate for this plan, her lifelong preparation for this vengeance...
Saved by Jang Wook, Jin Bu-yeon honestly reveals losing her divine powers along with her memories in Alchemy of Souls Part 2 episode 2. Convinced to keep the woman who willingly professed to become her wife, Jang Wook gambles on a sliver of hope that Bu-yeon can retrieve her powers...
Park Ji Hoon is confirmed to be cast in the upcoming film Audrey together with Snowdrop actress Kim Jung Nan. After his recent drama Weak Hero, Park Ji Hoon has received the crowd’s attention and favorable reviews for his marvelous acting. The idol actor is ready to broaden his horizon...
New and returning characters are set to greet the viewers when Missing: The Other Side 2 launches on December 19. To prepare the fans of the series, a character relationship diagram showing the relationship beyond life and death was unveiled by tvN Drama. Missing: The Other Side 2 threads on...
Vaunting the character posters, Trolley previews the connections that will transpire in the series. Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery dilemma melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the National Assembly member’s wife who lives with a hidden past. But her secret...