Japanese drama First Love is on a mission to fascinate viewers with another amazing “first love” story. Uniquely contrived, that series tells a spectacular love story that spans over 20 years. Hikari Mitsushima and Takeru Satoh collaborate on a cross-generational love story inspired by “First Love” (1999) and “Hatsukoi”(2018), two...
Glitz and Glamour is the theme of Korean dramas coming to Netflix this month! In case you missed it, the currently airing K-Drama Under The Queen’s Umbrella is scheduled every weekend. A number of newly added series are also now streaming which includes Shooting Stars, Jirisan, Missing The Other Side, One...
With the recent death of the Crown Prince, the King is pressured to choose his new successor in Under The Queen’s Umbrella. Opposing the deposition of the Crown Prince, the King and Queen become devastated by the news of their son’s death. Court officials propose to select a new successor...
We’re on the last batch of K-Drama coverage this season! Wrapping up, November 2022 Korean dramas highlight comebacks from top-tier and reliable actors and actresses. Dominated by workplace, fantasy, drama and romance genres; the roster would surely make our year-end special. Make sure to keep tabs on the latest dramas...
MBC’s new weekend drama, Please Send The Fan Letter anticipates an endearing love story between a top star and a father who will do anything for his daughter. The series came from the 2021 MBC Drama Script Competition where it won the Excellence Award. It was praised for portraying the show...
Promising heartwarming teamwork, the news SBS series parades character posters of the lead stars. The First Responders chronicles the joint cooperation of police officers and firefighters in urgent situations involving crimes, accidents and fires. Additionally, it heightens expectations since it is the first series in Korea to present a story...
Ji-hun and Ma-ri help Manager Sa retrieve his reliable and sometimes moody vehicle against a notorious fraud organization in the 9th episode of One Dollar Lawyer. They also cooperate with the prosecutors headed by Ye-jin in rounding up scammers selling broken vehicles. abbyinhallyuland watches One Dollar Lawyer on Disney+ Episode...
Eun-ki and Sung-jun fall in disbelief after realizing the truth in the recent episodes of Blind. In-seong locks Eun-ki and the rest of the people involved in Hope Welfare Center in the same basement they were in before. With Sung-hoon’s help, Sung-jun and the police catch In-seong. However, as he...
Yeo-reum and Jae-hoon explained well the meaning of the title series while marking the middle mark of the story in Love is for Suckers. Resolving one problem after another, Yeo-reum made a decision that Jae-hoon and all avid viewers struggle to understand. abbyinhallyuland watches Love is For Suckers on Prime Video...
Wavve’s original drama, Weak Hero Class 1 is gearing up for its premiere on November 18. Along with fascinating teasers unveiled, Weak Hero also presented the three main leads that would decorate the story. Directed and written by Yoon So-min, the series depicts the journey of a young man with...