While Master Park abides by his promise of making Wook live a low-key existence, his innate talent inadvertently leads him to his real and unimaginable strength in episode 4 of Alchemy of Souls. Shaping up the good versus evil division among the characters, a new one with seemingly unfathomable mage...
Cha Seo Won, who is who is active in dramas, musicals, and entertainment shows challenges BL genre in Unintentional Love Story. Unintentional Love Story is a drama based on the popular webtoon of the same name by author 피비. It has received a lot of love from various generations as...
Park Eun Bin takes on another challenging role that will flaunt her innate remarkable skills. As seen in the released behind-the-scenes photos, the beautiful actress captured the unique vibe of her character in Extraordinary Attorney Woo. In the drama, Park Eun Bin portrays Woo Young-woo, a rookie lawyer with a...
Endowed with stunning characters and story, Alchemy of Souls easily wins viewers’ hearts as the go-to weekend drama! Interestingly, Yoo Jun Sang garners attention for his superb acting skills. His tsundere charm further enhances the narrative. In the drama, the actor portrays Park Jin, the head of Songrim. He is...
Meet the characters played by Kim Min Jae, Kim Hyang Gi, and Kim Sang Kyung in tvN’s new drama series, Joseon Psychiatrist Yoo Se Poong. On June 27, the production team of tvN’s new Monday-Tuesday drama Joseon Psychiatrist Yoo Se Poong released a character poster that heightens the expectation of the trio...
Exhibiting his acting prowess, Ji Sung is ready to awe viewers as he transforms into twin brothers for tvN’s new thriller drama, Adamas. Lining up a solid cast, including Ji Sung, tvN’s Adamas is set to introduce powerful synergies of actors on July 27. Joining the remarkable actor are Seo Ji Hye (Sixth...
Freeing herself in the 2nd week of Jinxed At First, Seul-bi gets to explore and experience the world in the simplest ways with Soo-kwang. Deciding to carve her own fate, Lee Seul-bi uses her magic to help Goo Soo-kwang while bringing out the kindness inside the hearts of the vendors of...
Reprising their roles in The Good Detective 2, the fascinating tandem reunites with the efficient detective team of the Incheon Western Police Department. Finally decked for its launch, the well-loved 2020 JTBC series slates its premiere in July. Looking back, the drama left the audience with a deep impression as...
In the last season, Yumi separated ways from her boyfriend Gu-woong. With this, she tried her best to move on, even though her love cell was in a coma. Continuing her life, Yumi did several ways to cope with the pain of their break-up. However, sparks fly when a new...
They are back, PH PolCas! Thai actors Tay Tawan and New Thitipoom are ready to give you a fun and memorable fan meeting this July! Thai BL stars Tay Tawan and New Thitippom, known for their past projects Dark Blue Kiss and Kiss Me Again, are visiting Manila to interact with their fans, known as PolCas. GMMTV,...