Ju Ji Hoon and Jung Yu Mi’s chemistry in Love Your Enemy raises fans’ excitement! Love Your Enemy centers around the intricate and tumultuous relationship between Seok Ji-won and Yoon Ji-won, two individuals who not only share the same name but also were born on the same day. Compounding their...
Lim Ji Yeon is set to showcase a completely new side of herself as a runaway slave in the upcoming JTBC drama. On October 23rd, the production team released the first stills of Lim in her role as Gu Deok, a slave who later assumes the identity of the fake...
Get to know more about the main characters in upcoming KBS series, Face Me. Face Me is an upcoming medical drama premiering in November, centered on a skilled plastic surgeon and a passionate detective from the violent crimes unit who work together to uncover the truth behind crimes using reconstructive surgery....
The highly anticipated series has confirmed its first broadcast on November 22nd and recently released an intriguing teaser poster. When The Phone Rings traverses a politically arranged marriage. Yoo Yeon Seok and Chae Soo Bin’s characters live as a “show window” couple, presenting a picture-perfect facade to the public while...
The lead stars of tvN’s new weekend series Love Your Enemy is all set for a romantic blast! The drama centers around the intricate and tumultuous relationship between Seok Ji-won and Yoon Ji-won, two individuals who not only share the same name but also were born on the same day....
It is an eventful week for our country girl, who faces both triumphs and setbacks in quick succession. She then encounters a larger world that appears glamorous on the surface, but may hide a darker reality beneath. The path to achieving one’s dreams is never easy, but it surely helps...
Chanyeol made a fascinating return to Manila with his highly anticipated CHANYEOL LIVETOUR 都市風景: Cityscape in MANILA on Sunday, October 19 at the Smart Araneta Coliseum. The concert, presented by PULP Live World Philippines, delivered a thrilling night of music and excitement for his dedicated fans. Widely known as EXO’s...
Disney+’s original series The Light Shop Keeper unveiled two teaser posters and a teaser trailer. Light Shop Keeper is an adaptation of the popular webtoon by Kangfull, who also adapted the series for television. The story follows these six individuals, each grappling with a traumatic event from their past that...
Father Kim Hae-il, a former intelligence agent turned fiery, justice-seeking priest, is back in action in The Fiery Priest 2, premiering November 8 on Disney+. Known for his short temper and unrelenting pursuit of what’s right, Father Kim will stop at nothing to root out corruption and bring criminals to...
PULP Spaces+ has officially revealed the much-anticipated BINI Light Stick, a must-have item for the dedicated BLOOM fandom of the rising girl group, BINI. The unveiling comes ahead of the sold-out Grand BINIverse concerts, offering fans the perfect companion to elevate their concert experience. Inspired by the Sampaguita, the national...