The promotions are up for the much-waited cosmic love tale in When The Stars Gossip. When The Stars Gossip, a space office drama, is the first of its kind in Korea. It takes place aboard a zero-gravity space station. The plot revolves around the life of Eve Kim, the station’s...
Lee Jong Suk, Moon Ga Young, Kang You Seok, Ryu Hye Young, and Im Sung Jae Join tvN’s Legal Drama Seocho-dong Set in the heart of Seocho-dong, a district known for its concentration of law firms, the series delves into the lives of associate lawyers who navigate the complexities of...
Girls’ Generation’s Seohyun and 2PM’s Taecyeon are teaming up for KBS 2TV’s upcoming fantasy romance drama. Based on a popular web novel 남주의 첫날밤을 가져버렸다, I Stole the Male Lead’s First Night (LT) is a thrilling and unconventional romance, combining elements of fantasy with a humorous and offbeat twist. The...
Disney+ has announced an all-star cast for its upcoming original series, Tempest. The highly anticipated show will feature a captivating blend of seasoned actors and rising stars, promising a thrilling and immersive viewing experience. Set for release on Disney+ in 2025, the Korean thriller Tempest promises a gripping mix of...
Lim Ji Yeon is set to take on a groundbreaking role in the historical drama The Tale of Lady Ok, marking yet another dramatic transformation in her acting career. This time, she shifts from playing a slave to embodying a noblewoman, Ok Tae-young, in a story filled with intrigue, deception,...
With a touch of nostalgia in its reunion-romance story, Love Your Enemy offers a charming and modest narrative, making it an ideal choice for your weekend K-Drama binge. In this new tvN series, high school sweethearts are set for a poignant reconnection 18 years after their painful breakup. abbyinhallyuland watches...
Netflix series The Trunk presents an innovative approach to love, featuring a compelling mystery melodrama that explores unique emotional landscapes and relationships. The recent production conference for The Trunk was held in Gangnam, Seoul, attended by the director Kim Kyu-tae and the main cast, including Seo Hyun Jin, Gong Yoo,...
A dysfunctional family takes on villains in Coupang Play’s newest series! “Today feels more like a family than yesterday.” This phrase perfectly encapsulates the essence of Family Matters, a highly anticipated Coupang Play series that explores the concept of family through an unconventional lens. The show stars Bae Doona, Ryu...
Prepare for a cosmic love story! tvN’s highly anticipated drama, When the Stars Gossip, is set to premiere on January 4, 2025! This interstellar romantic comedy will transport viewers to a futuristic space station, where a unique group of individuals will intertwine their lives amidst the vast expanse of the...
Channel A’s upcoming historical drama has unveiled a youthful and vibrant poster that perfectly captures the energy and innocence of Joseon’s “flower youth.” Check-In Hanayng, which will air on Saturdays and Sundays, centers around the largest guesthouse in Joseon, Yongcheonru, and the lives of the youth employed there as educational servants....