Channel A’s new weekend drama, Check-In Hanyang, reimagines a slice of the Joseon Dynasty with a modern twist, setting its story within the fictional Yongcheonru, the kingdom’s largest and most grandiose guesthouse. Starring Bae In Hyuk, Kim Ji Eun, Jung Gun Joo, and Park Jae Chan, Check-In Hanyang draws viewers...
This fall, high school sweethearts are set for a dramatic reunion 18 years after their painful breakup in Love Your Enemy, a fresh romantic comedy series premiering November 23 on Disney+. Seok Jiwon and Yoon Jiwon, born on the same day to rival families, defied the odds to fall in...
Kim Jae won and Yeonwoo appear as charming lovers in the Joseon era in JTBC’s new weekend drama The Tale of Lady Ok. Set to premiere on November 30, the drama recently released its first stills, featuring Kim Jae Won as Seong Do-gyeom and Yeonwoo as Cha Mi-ryeong. The Tale...
Having stayed together for a decade, sadly, it is time for our found family of five to part ways as the two boys are compelled to return to their birth parents, despite their reluctance. It’s heartbreaking for everyone, especially for our heroine who begins to doubt everything they’ve experienced together....
The second half of the drama begins with an intense week, bringing a heartbreaking tragedy for our heroine, who encounters the same lamentable fate as her mother. Since the beginning of her journey, Jeongnyeon’s driving force has always been her singing talent. But how is she supposed to carry on...
In The Tale of Lady Ok, Choo Young Woo takes on the role of a charming and enigmatic electrician who enchants the eight provinces of Joseon. The new JTBC weekend drama set to premiere on November 30, revolves around the intense survival schemes of Ok Tae-young (Lim Ji Yeon), a...
It’s a festive spectacle of stories coming up this month! November 2024 Korean Dramas promise an exciting lineup of stories, packed with festive storytelling and unforgettable performances. Fans can expect a rich variety of genres, from heartwarming romances and suspenseful thrillers to intense historical tales and modern-day melodramas. This season...
Get ready to dive into a world of quirky superheroes and unexpected laughter! Netflix has confirmed the production of The WONDERfools, a new comedy-action series that promises to captivate audiences with its unique blend of humor, heart, and superpowers. Leading the charge is an all-star cast lineup that includes Park...
Fantasy-action series Twelve has electrified fans with a spectacular lineup, bringing together renowned talent to embark on a monumental battle rooted in the Eastern zodiac’s lore. Twelve delves into a vast universe where 12 angels, each embodying a zodiac sign, disguise themselves among humans, quietly safeguarding the world from sinister...
Recently released main posters offer a tantalizing glimpse into the enigmatic world of Yoo Yeon Seok and Chae Soo Bin as lead characters in When The Phone Rings. When The Phone Rings traverses a politically arranged marriage. Yoo Yeon Seok and Chae Soo Bin’s characters live as a “show window”...